ASHTAR A Tribute
Compiled by Tuella
Chapter 1: Who is Ashtar? / 2: The Etherians / 3: Ashtar's Personal Frequency / 4: Spaceman or Angel? / 5: Breaking the Sound Barrier
Chapter 6: Mission To Planet Earth / 7: Administering The Program / 8: The Interdimensional Alliance / 9: The Beloved Commander-In-Chief Jesus-Sananda / 10: The War Against Evil
11: Messages Applicable Individually / 12: Messages For World Servers and Light Workers / 13: Messages to Whomsoever Will Hear / 14: Messages of Global Significance / 15: Messages to World Leaders and World Conspirators
It has been both my great honor and my joyful assigned task to assemble within the covers of this book, many of the most vital communications received by spiritual messengers from Commander Ashtar since his earliest contacts with our dimension.
To have included them all would have been an impossible task. Rather we have attempted to compile those fragments which would best help us to discern the heart of this beloved Being, to appreciate his spiritual burden, his exemplary character, his depth of purpose, his unswerving loyalty to Our Radiant One and his dedication to the Kingdom of God on Earth. May the aura of his Light and his Love touch you as you read, to enjoy, to absorb, to be quickened to new heights of spiritual understanding and attainment.
We are the voices of those who serve with Commander Ashtar of the Ashtar Command. We send forth this combined tribute to our beloved Leader. We commend the efforts of this Messenger to compile and give to the world this tribute and file of information which will greatly enlighten many to the mass efforts of all our fleets for the benefit of planet Earth. regardless of our origin from outer Space.
Our love for the people of Earth and the planet has motivated our participation with Beloved Commander Jesus Sananda and Commander Ashtar. in this tremendous Program for the benefit of humankind. Our volunteer efforts stem from a dedication to brighten the Lighted Pathway for all souls everywhere, and to be contributing units of the Brotherhood of Light in this sector of Space.
We have jointly followed the leadings of our Commanders down through the ages, through two to three generations within our own families who have also served the Hierarchy in this Mission. Our families, our children and spiritual mates, have in most cases remained behind on our home systems until this Earth mission is fulfilled and its splendor and beauty unfolds within its new dimension of glory.
The battle is not yet completed, the victory is not yet attained, but we know that the influence of Ashtar throughout our ranks, wiII guide the Hierarchal Program through the coming tumultuous restoration with wisdom and foresight, courage and ultimate victory. The people of Earth will receive the highest spiritual enlightenment, the planet will be cleansed, the clutches of those who seek to destroy will be lost and removed and the Kingdom of God shall come to Earth as it is in Heaven.
Under the coordinating leadership of the Ashtar Command, our scattered energies and various factions have been fused to one united channel of divine force, with strong guidance in the many indescribable details and challenges of the Great Mission. All of the various fields of patrol, whether it be scientific, educational, spiritual or protective, have been coordinated into one vast unified expression of cooperation and accomplishment. The last two decades have brought the placement of many new bases set into operation. The multitude of fleets small and great, have served as one, in the pattern of the leadership expanded before us.
In the face of any great divine challenge, the Radiant One chooses one great Man. In our fields of endeavor. Ashtar has been that Man. His energies have increased the efficiency of all of our individual responsibilities to a point beyond description. We have honored this Man in our midst and followed his guidance with respect. His love for mankind has consistently been his motivation.
His spiritual emanations and philosophical teachings have been an inspiration to all of us as well as to all of you. His intense devotional nature has been an example throughout all of the fleets. His wisdom in lifting the vibrations of the planet while yielding to none in his adamant plea for the respect of the right of man to choose his way without outside interference in his growth.
We can do naught but follow Ashtar to the ultimate Conclusion of the Battle for the Light. We are the Etherians of this Universe and its many Galaxies, who have come together in this volunteer effort for planet Earth. Many of us are with you now in physical form for this crucial time in your transformation. Many are yet to come to fill in the ranks, but all stand with appreciation, beside the Leader Our Radiant One has chosen, to lead this offensive for the Forces of Light in the Program of man's ascension.
It is with a sincere desire for his honor, that we jointly form this statement to express our love for Commander Ashtar, and we speak for the many. We call for the blessings of the Higher Guardians to bless this Tribute as it is placed in the hands of the people of Earth. May the love of Ashtar, as it is shown to be given freely to all men, return to his own bosom a thousandfold in blessings of Peace. Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all men will surely come with Ashtar at the helm of the Mission.
Speaking for the entire constituency of the Ashtar Command, its many great fleets and officers, and the thousands who make up the ranks and the souls who inhabit the millions of worlds of this Universe, we are
Soltec of the Scientific Patrols
Monka of the Tribunal Councils
Korton of the Communications Service
Athena of the Starship of Sananda
Chapter 1: Who is Ashtar?
Man or Myth? Name or Title? Space Commander or Archangel? Intergalactic Spiritual Leader? We believe that the pursuit of these answers will be an interesting adventure to those dedicated to understanding the Guardian Action surrounding this planet.
In the voluminous transmissions received by Dr. Enid Smith, UFO pioneer extraordinaire, Ashtar was often referred to as the Christian Commander from Venus. In our initial issue of UNIVERSAL NETWORK, in an item dictated by Lord Michael (through Gabriel Green), Michael refers to Ashtar' as the "Supreme Director in charge of all of the Spiritual Program" for our planet.
Under the sponsorship of Lord Michael and the Great Central Sun Government of this Galaxy, Commander Ashtar is second only to the Beloved Commander Jesus-Sananda in responsibility for the Airborne Division of the Brotherhood of Light. Ashtar has been widely known in UFO channeling circles for over three decades. His messages are beamed from a colossal Starship, or Space Station, beyond our atmosphere. He is loved for his deeply philosophical approach to our global problems and his efforts to raise our planetary vibrations.
Ashtar speaks of twenty million extraterrestrial persons involved with his Command in the Program for planet Earth, and of another four million on our physical plane, consciously or unconsciously cooperating in the program of Light.
I was curious about his alleged Venusian beginnings, and he volunteered: "I am of that strain of Beings who have manifested from that chain of planets, the lesser of which is known to you as Venus. However, the planet Ashtar was my original manifestation through the Father's love."
I pressed for further personal information, and was not disappointed. "The mystery that is associated with my person is of no consequence to me, but is perhaps of interest to some. I am seven feet tall in height, with blue eyes and a nearly white complexion. I am fast of movement and considered to be an understanding and compassionate leader. I am devoted to the principles and teachings of Our Radiant One, and I represent the Twelfth Kingdom and the Great Central Sun Hierarchy. I have been assigned the name of 'Ashtar' by that Universal Hierarchy for use in my calling as Commander of the Intergalactic fleets serving this hemisphere.
"I have not had a Human embodiment upon planet Earth, as some have inferred. This is incorrect information and should be discouraged. I have consistently been too involved with the affairs of the Universe to accept such an assignment. I am an active member of Councils scattered throughout this Universal Sector, serving in an advisory capacity at strategic levels of intergalactic affairs.
"The fleets of Etheria stationed within the Sector known as Schare, represent what is now called the 'Confederation of Planets for Peace'. We are a branch of the greater 'Federation of Free Worlds' which comprises the totality of the Space Commands throughout the Omniverse. While my own administration is local to the Commands of this solar system, I am not restricted to this sector in my service, for I represent our system in the Councils of other Galaxies and Universes throughout the vast Cosmos. From time to time I have been appointed to positions of higher responsibilities in those Councils.
"The Christ Teacher of this Galaxy is my Beloved Commander in Chief, and His Word is my Law. To Him I have pledged my service. I am but a leader chosen by Him, to fulfill the Program of Light on Earth through the winged commands of the Great Brotherhood. Each one of us is an active member of the pact taken by personal vow to serve that Cause."
Reflecting upon the general outline of this book, I confessed to mixed emotions concerning the advisability of reprinting messages with which so many would already be familiar - at least, the senior members of this movement.
Ashtar replied: "I feel very impersonal toward the material. I am only concerned that it be read by a broad segment of ready souls and that it be given serious consideration. A thing worth saying is worth having repeated. Anything that is worth repeating is worth fixing attention upon. The messages of the past, as well as the present, carry the same burden of concern for Human-kind. We do not change our concern with the passing of time. A call of twenty or even thirty years ago is just as valid this day. Our messages have found a more tolerant audience at this time because of the ongoing exchange. Nevertheless, the need for them is crucial at this hour - not only for a further emphasis, but for the benefit of those who may not have seen them at all.
"Therefore, in their repetition, further enlightenment will come to those who search at this hour. Be vigilant, my friend, in season and out of season, to spread the good will of your Brothers and Friends from Outer Dimensions of the Cosmos. We are all the Children of God, together under one banner and One Mission of Light. We join forces to bring this newest effort into manifestation.
Regardless of the source, the words are Light, and they are Truth. We release them again for the Glory of God! The compiled content will reveal the nature of the messages through the decades as having had a certain theme, regardless of the channel, and it will contribute to an understanding of our reality and purpose in being with men, to plead with them to experience love and good will toward one another. There are presently many new students awakening with a lack of familiarity of the earliest contacts. Further, the book will contain extraterrestrial information in general, needed by these new candidates in the Mission."
With this extra bit of polishing touch upon my own vision, I was fired with inspired enthusiasm to get started on the project. In summary, we repeat this paragraph from the early pages of "Project - World Evacuation":
"Ashtar is a Beloved Christian Commander and a very beautiful Being. He is highly evolved in the upper worlds, very influential, and has a great benefactoring influence upon those he leads. The momentum of the vibrations from these Great Space Beings, or Commanders, as they call themselves, is equal to and often beyond the force field even of Ascended Masters, for many have come who are Lords on their own planet, or persons of highest repute in their own galaxies and dimensions."
Chapter 2: The Etherians
In 1958 Trevor James released "They Live in the Sky," published by Dr. Franklin Thomas through New Age Publishing Company. The book contained several fascinating and informative interviews with Ashtar. Mr. James poses direct questions to the Commander:
Question: "Are you Etheric beings? Or are you possessed of a fleshly physical body such as mine?"
Ashtar: "I am Etheric. I do not have a fleshly body" like yours, bounded by flesh. But it is possible for me to make my being visible to your optics by certain changes in its vibratory rate."
Question: "This would mean, then, that you are normally invisible to us?"
Ashtar: "Yes. "
If we take Ashtar at his word, we have explanations for some of the alleged encounters with space beings, and also for the fact that both ships and controlling intelligences are known to be invisible on occasions. These beings can convert to a vibratory rate where they are visible to us, but normally belong in a higher vibration.
Question: "As you are an Etheric being, are other Etheric beings visible to you?"
Ashtar: "Yes, although not exactly in terms of optical vision as you know it."
It was about eighteen months after this communication had been received that I gained a rather startling proof of its validity. I paid a call on a distinguished European lady in Los Angeles with an international reputation as a seer and psychic. Discussing various aspects of her faculty with me and answering my questions, she suddenly sat bolt upright in her chair. "Have you ever had any contact with any non-physical beings?" she asked, with a smile. I replied that I believed that I had, but could not be completely sure.
She then said, "There is a magnificent looking being standing beside you, and he communicates to me that is name is Ashtar. Do you know him?"
I replied that the personality was familiar, and she gave me a full description of him as she saw him clairvoyantly. Seven feet or so tall, extremely stern, helmeted, and giving the impression of being a sort of Military man.
This was extremely interesting insofar as Ashtar had described himself as the "Commandant, Vela Quadra Sector, Realms of Schare, All Projections, All Waves," and therefore would probably be a Military type of being.
In possession of just the beginnings of these general theories, I addressed further questions to Ashtar on this subject.
Question: "From your statement that you are Etheric, am I to presume that you have evolved beyond the stage of a Physical and Astral body?"
Ashtar: "Correct. I do not possess a physical casing of the dense type such as yours. I am definitely Etheric, as are the people on other Planets in this Solar System. However, this does not mean that we are invisible to each other as we are to you under normal circumstances. We see each other and live much as you do, but we do not have this dense physical casing which you possess. The advantages, benefits and comforts of this living are enormous, and the irritations of the fleshly envelope are most uncomfortable. Unless we choose to convert the vibrational frequency of our bodies to one which is visible to your optics, we remain invisible to your people. Highly evolved people, with a good 'psychic eye' as you call it, can sometimes see us in vaporous form, although we may be invisible to other Earthlings in the same location. When your clairvoyants travel to our civilizations on other planets, they see and are able to interpret our lives because they are not using their physical eyes but their Astral or Psychic sight, to which we are visible just as though we were physical."
Question: "When you become visible to our eyes, does the person who sees you know that you are a 'converted Etheric'?"
Ashtar: "Not as a rule. The conversion can be made so completely that a Physical person encountering us thinks that we, too, are physical."
Question: "What of those who claim to have been up in your craft?"
Ashtar: "In our contacts with Earthlings we have to be careful not to go beyond their understanding. In these instances, the ships and all entities within them are converted to a vibrational level at which they had the substance of physical things as known to you. Whether the experience was Physical or Astral is not known to some people who had the experience."
Question: "I wish to ask a question or two concerning Etheric substance."
Ashtar: "We will be glad to answer whatever we can for you. We wish to arm you with as much knowledge as possible, and are limited in this only by your power to assimilate it. I do not wish to talk over your head, but we will supply you with knowledge to the limit of your understanding."
Question: "I am puzzled by the concept of Etheric matter. For example, there is one case on record where one of our jet aircraft flew right through a space ship without hitting anything solid whatever. Are your ships made of a vaporous substance, or are they a different form of Earthly matter?"
Ashtar: "We have all the elements you know on Earth, and many more. The Etheric form of these metals differs in its atomic and molecular structure from Earth-made metals. For example, the distance between the nucleus and the orbiting electrons of the Etheric iron nucleus is much greater than in iron as you know it on Earth. This permits the atoms of Earthly steel to pass right through the atoms of Etheric steel in such a way nothing happens to either form of steel. The Etheric form of steel enjoys a higher vibratory rate than Earthly steel and therefore is not apparent to Earthly vision or, if you prefer, Physical eyesight. Under certain circumstances it becomes visible, as in the presence of certain atmospheric gases of Shan (Earth) or at will in accordance with the desire of the controlling intelligence. No matter how great the mass of the Etheric substance, even a space ship measuring many miles across in your measure, Physical matter cannot damage or injure it or its contents."
Question: "When you speak of making Etheric matter visible at will, is this the way that George Adamski was permitted to take his now-famous photographs?
Ashtar: "Yes. Ether ships, as they have been called on your surface, have been made visible to and for certain individuals, selected upon your surface, of whom Adamski is one. Normally, the ships are part of the invisible world."
Question: "If one were to develop Astral vision or the Psychic eye, would he be able to see the ships?"
Ashtar: "No. Not unless the vibratory rate of the ship were converted to the vibratory range of Astral vision. Remember, the Etheric vibratory rate is higher than the Astral. Very few Physical Humans have some perception of the Etheric, but they are not normal people as you know them and for the most part dwell in very secluded places. As a general rule, perception of the Etheric through vision cannot be accomplished except through the will of the Etheric, converting Etheric substance to a vibratory level where it is Physically visible."
Question: "In our Solar System, are there any other Physical beings like us?"
Ashtar: "No. All beings on other planets in your Solar System are Etherics. On you~ planet, as you now know, there are two kinds of beings - Physical and Astral. Outside the Earth-Moon System in your Solar System, all are Etheric.
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(Although the following interview does not involve Ashtar personally, its information is so pertinent, it is included).
Question: "I would like you to give your description of the differences between Space people and Spirit people. I would appreciate as full an answer as my understanding permits."
Andolo: "The differences are very great, although to the cursory glance it may seem that Space people are Spirits. However, it all comes down to a matter of the condition in which we dwell. We are Etheric beings, in your expression. By this, I mean that we live upon a higher plane of existence. We are not discarnate in the sense of having no bodies. We have Etheric bodies which are counterparts of your bodies but which are made of a more tenuous substance, and which are not subject in the same way to gravitational effects. The Etheric state in which we dwell is one of many on an ascending evolutionary scale to which we all belong. Above us, for example, are beings more highly evolved than us by as great a gap as there is between ourselves and you. This is not meant in any derogatory sense towards you, but merely as a factual statement about the scales on which we dwell. Upon our plane of life we have much the same type of existence as you do, although it is free of the corruptions, crimes and undesirable elements which are to be worked out of a being's karmic life before he may pass into the Etheric state. Your Earth is a testing ground - one of many hundreds of thousands of testing grounds in the Universe - where beings evolve upwards on the scale of life, working constantly towards junction with the Great One as the ultimate attainment of all existence.
We upon the Etheric planes pass on to higher planes just as you do from Earth, when qualified. This transformation on your plane is termed 'death.' To us, it is merely a transformer interposed between us and the next level of life to which we will ascend. We will stress once more that the greatest factor in the way of a proper grasp of the true story of life on your Planet is the conception of death as the end of all existence. Nothing could be further from the truth. Upon your plane, you must serve out an evolutionary period before you can ascend to higher worlds. The fleshly bodies which you have are part of a plan to aid your working through this scale of existence. At your level you must endure savage crimes, wars, strife and violence, and the Great One, in His wisdom, has seen fit to use the fleshly body as the most convenient method of taking care of this almost elemental stage of existence.
Now then, there are more people waiting to serve out their karmic penalties than there are physical casings, or bodies, to go around. Therefore, there is a special waiting place around your planet for these bodiless entities from your surface. These are Spirit people who are, if you like, in temporary suspension, or their evolution is interrupted, and they are anxious to return to the physical body either to carry out something they left undone, or else, after realizing the truth or partial truth of creation, to become incarnate again and work towards proper passage through Earthly life prior to ascending to higher realms.
We ourselves are in bodies of a tenuous but nonetheless real substance, vibrating at a rate much greater than that which prevails on your planet. Those discarnate Spirit people desperately trying to hang on to the Physical plane, are dwellers in a form which cannot go beyond that Astral form without serving out their karmic life in a physical casing of flesh as you know it. Communication is possible, both with us and those Spirit people. But in communicating with discarnate Spirits waiting in suspension between the Physical world and the Astral, you may find that they know but little more than Earth dwellers, and in many cases, not as much. They may have nothing valid to impart. They may even play tricks and jokes upon people contacting them. Therefore we can only suggest that all such communications be done with extreme care and with a reason. Without reason behind it, it is little more than folly.
I leave you in love and good will. I am Andolo."
Chapter 3: Ashtar's Personal Frequency
It is one thing to understand the Etheric nature of a Being; it is another matter to know his personal vibrational keynote. What is Ashtar really like beneath his seeming stern~ militant demeanor?
As a Universal Statesman of wide renown, his policies of nonintervention and support of Man's Right of Choice are respected and supported. He deplores the manipulation tactics of the World's Illuminati/Secret Government and its grip upon Mankind.
Hermes, the Great Master of Wisdom, has a loving comment to share with us:
"I speak in my capacity as Universal Teacher of many things. I join with you in honoring One who has been in service with us for a longer time than I can remember. Our Beloved Brother in the Light, Ashtar, has been one for whom I have had much respect and admiration. We have learned in the spiritual Hierarchy that we can depend upon him to discharge a task with dependability, responsibility and ingenious expertise.
"In his earliest venturing forth from Venus on this appointed task to serve the Universe by lifting the vibrations of this Planet, he was a most courteous and benevolent volunteer. I recall his genuine eagerness to place himself at the disposal of Archangel Michael and the Central Sun Hierarchy. He was immediately accepted, for his record on his home planets of Venus and Ashtar (a planet) were exemplary and noteworthy. He stationed himself immediately at the right hand of the Beloved, and has, one might almost say, never left that position - at least, theoretically. He is a staunch defender of the Truth as taught by the Master and an ardent foe of its opposition. He has been well trained by Archangel Michael in the subtleties of dealing with the dark brothers of the left-handed path. He respects them as part of the Father's Creation, but fearlessly deals with their devastating programs and will not tolerate their restrictions of Man's freedom."
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Commander Ashtar has labored tirelessly to give Humanity guidelines for a better way of life. He acclaims the freedom of Man to choose his pathway without interference. He has repeatedly held council with Ascended Masters Godfrey and St. Germain in the interest of freedom for America, and valiantly stood in the pathway of forces designed to restrict that freedom. But the concern for individual freedom goes deeper than any national principle. It reflects the unimpeachable and inherent right of every soul, the freedom of will to choose its pathway, its mistakes, and its karma.
Later in the text we will cite the messages through Mrs. Hill, but for now, let me quote an interesting passage which reveals further some of Ashtar's inner convictions: .
"My message concerns a number of erroneous claims being made by those who crave personal publicity. Anyone who may attempt to invest us with powers of divination and announce themselves the recipients of information pertaining to the private affairs of individuals (unless they apply specifically to serious National or International matters) is guilty of falsification. Only insofar as they affect our plans (which must of necessity depend to a considerable extent on the understanding and cooperation of dwellers on your planet) will we pay any attention to your own purely personal problems by prying into the future for answers to your queries."
This was borne out in a statement given to me recently :
"Souls must struggle with their own growth problems as every other soul has ever had to do. We have not indulged in fortune telling as a sponsored activity because of the need of the soul, to make its own choices and decisions if it is to overcome the labyrinth of life's temptations. Thus, guidance is not intended to interfere nor hinder the freedom of Man's will to choose his pathway. Only in this manner does he ascend the lower nature and the lesser level of living. We strongly adhere to the freedom of Man to be exercised and permitted without interference from another."
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Commander Soltec offers further insight concerning Ashtar:
"In the beginning of our organization of the earliest fleets, we did not have a large quantity of craft for Earth supervision. We approached Commander Ashtar and asked him how we could possibly efficiently patrol such a large area with such a small task force. His reply was succinct: We will endeavor to expand ourselves and to be everywhere at once with our unlimited abilities to do so. This is an example of the dogged determination of the Man to do his very best in any situation. And we did just that! We did not rely upon our craft, but we entered into the highest possible use of the gifts that were within us, and we expanded our highest level of being to literally be where we were not, and to see what we could not and to hear what we could not hear, and altogether became the eyes of God surrounding the Planet. Eventually more craft were added, divisions of responsibilities were assigned, and the mission expanded continually unto the point of tremendous scope that it is today. But I have never forgotten my Commander's words who, nothing daunted, would make a way where there was no way.
"It has been a tremendous experience to me, serving with him and carefully following his example in many details of our shared responsibilities. I have often paused in troubling instances to ask myself, 'How would Ashtar handle this problem?' Invariably the answer would be clarified and I have found it has always proven the wisest course of action to have taken. The mention of Ashtar's name has sometimes brought a shadow of staunch militarism in to a conversation in the past, because the nature of his dedication to the Armies of Light is so intense it is reflected in his manner with people. This has sometimes erroneously been interpreted as a sternness of demeanor, a strict formality, so to speak; but in actuality, this is not the case. I have never known a more loving, gentle man when it comes to the application of divine love toward his fellow man. His eye is so single to victory for the Forces of Light, he is sometimes misunderstood. Those who first have contact with him sense this firmness of purpose, but soon come to know and love the deeper aspects of his gentleness. We have all found it to be so.
"My surveillance responsibilities have been unlike Ashtar's in that my mission is the gathering of facts and scientific data that can in turn be used for the betterment of Humanity and this Solar System. The mission of Ashtar has been the spiritual education of a backward planet and the ascension of its inhabitants through initiations and gathering of information designed for that purpose. Nevertheless, we have enjoyed a very close friendship and respect for one another's work in the overall Divine program. It is an honor to be a part of the Mission of the Ashtar Command. I am Soltec.
* * * * * * * * *
A Disciple of Jesus speaks:
"Greetings, my beloved daughter, Tuella. These wonderful thoughts are being shared with you at last and I am pleased. Now I have come in tonight to offer my statement for the book. In the Christian era, Ashtar was placed in command of the great Star- ship which brought and released the soul of Jesus and again, received Him up when His Mission was completed. He has ever been that one in command of the Star-ship which is peculiarly the Etheric navigational vehicle for the Beloved Master. That is the fact I wanted to stress for this evening. I am Philip, of the Christian era of history."
Chapter 4: Spaceman or Angel?
Many are intrigued by the mystique of the true Celestial identity not only of Ashtar, but also, of the many great Space Intelligences we have come to know and Love by the names assigned to them in the Divine Program.
I, too, attempted to probe this mystery of Ashtar's Universal status, but the persistent reluctance to discuss personal matters is constant:
"The Mission to be accomplished is the factor of import and not the spiritual status of the one who serves that Mission. Like all of my other Brothers and Sisters in the Program of Light, we are not to be worshipped or thought of as Gods or anything of that nature. We are simply your comrades in the Light of the Radiant One, equal all, in the sight of the Creator. It is regrettable that there is a tendency of Humanity to focus attention upon a messenger rather than upon the message. Overemphasis on personal revelation weakens the strength of the Mission, which is geared to the spiritual growth of Mankind."
Contactee Oscar Magocsi, of Canada, has submitted an interesting brief commentary, received through his Psychean Federation sources, when Ashtar's alleged identity as Gabriel was under discussion:
"Commander Ashtar has many roles. He is Protector and Defender, Advisor and Administrator, but his work as Protector and Defender is the most prominent. A Commander is one who speaks with Authority to command and issue orders. Ashtar is a Protector of Humanity and the fate of planet Earth, as well as a Defender-Protector of the Solar System and its affairs.
"However, in the strictest sense, he is not an embodiment of an Archangel, but is, nevertheless, participating in a very close partnership and very close cooperative Cosmic representation of one of high administration at that level. It is not Archangel Gabriel, but is another. Within his own attributes of Protector, Defender and Enforcer, another Archangel works in unison with the energies of Ashtar."
With characteristic ambiguity, this Federation source refused to reveal the actual identity of Ashtar's overshadowing Presence, but did clearly state that the Commander was being guided by an Archangel OTHER than Gabriel, in a very personal way, and that the prominence of the Defender and Protector roles should be a clue to the wise" in the full revelation. In spite of an inner nagging that this raised more questions than it answered" I felt comfortable with the information and wanted to share it with you.
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Gray Barker has an important observation in his Introduction to the E.P. Hill book published by the Saucerian Press:
"Modern metaphysics, although it has helped thousands, made them more self-reliant, positive in their thinking, intellectually mature and responsible, nevertheless, has practically ignored the fact that there are beings in this Universe besides ourselves beings which the ancients sometimes called 'Angels,' and who are now being called 'Space Men'. All down the ages there have been mystics who claimed to have heard the Voice of God or of Angels. Today there are those who hear the voice of Space Men."
The fascinating concept that links the Extraterrestrial Armies with the work of the Angels, whom the Heavenly Father charged to watch over those who would be the 'Heirs of Salvation' is inspiring to consider.
At a group meeting in Prescott, Arizona, questions were put to trance medium Bob Graham, by someone as a test, who wanted to hear from another source just who Ashtar was. Joshua was the source of the transmission, received clairaudiently by Bob. The session went like this:
Question: "Who is Ashtar?"
Answer: "Ashtar is of the Herald Angels and first manifested in the early '50s through so-called UFO type of communications with individuals like George van Tassel and others, awaiting the return of the Herald Angels, who are the participants in the so-called UFOs that have manifested from time to time. They are observing from their sphere (which is not physical) the actions of men and nations as the periods of time ripen for the return of the Christ, who will return on those same clouds of Heaven, which are partial or full materializations of the vehicles used in the celestial realms.
"Ashtar is known to have materialized, and also, his craft has materialized. They refer to our planet as Planet Sector Schare. The ancients of old would have referred to them as the 'Herald Angels.' Ashtar and others, including Excelsior, are a very vital link between the various celestial spheres and our own in this great network of Holy Spirits, whose primary function is to enlighten Mankind.
"They also play a very important role in preserving the United States from extinction by warring forces that are soon to attack its shores. That only by this Divine Intervention will the enemy be driven, and that the destiny of the United States will be assured as the example that will be set as Christ returns, and that this Nation will serve Mankind until the End Time when the Physical Universe is no longer needed and is dissolved back into its Ethereal form.
"Ashtar also represents one of countless Hosts similar to those who manifested in the times of Isaiah and slew thousands of Philistines in the preservation of the Israelites. The history of the dawn of Man records countless manifestations of these Herald Angels."
Question: "Did Ashtar ever live on Earth?"
Answer: "He is not part of the 'Fallen Spirits', and though there are individuals not understanding the nature of the gifts that they received and of the nature of the difference between the Physical and Spiritual realms, subscribe that he is of a much higher planet than this, and others subscribe that Ashtar and others like him are those who evolved from this planet, this is not the case with Ashtar or other Herald Angels, who did not take part in the Great Spiritual Revolt, but remained loyal to God and to Christ. They are the Holy Spirits who are assigned to this sphere from time to time in guiding Mankind back to God. Having never tasted spiritual death, they have always been among the living who dwelled with God.
"And, I might add that before this generation is through, you will observe the greatest celestial activity ever witnessed on this Planet, as these so-called 'Clouds of Heaven,' which are merely a condensation of those vehicles, arrive in great numbers and defy your wind as they remain, or oppose it. That is why it is mentioned that Christ's return shall be on the Clouds of Heaven. They are the vehicles, when fully materialized, are great, gleaming, metallic, crystalline vehicles used in the enormous outreaches of the Celestial Realms."
The above transmission (which was shared with me by a friend) is of tremendous significance when coupled with a Message from Lord Jesus-Sananda which was used as the FOREWARD in the PROJECT: WORLD EVACUATION volume. In referring specifically to our Beloved Space Friend, the Master said:
"These come as My Angels, to reap that which has been sown, to divide and set asunder the tares from the wheat, to gather the wheat into My Barn. For I AM the householder who cometh at the end of the day for an account from His Servants, and to give to all men justly in the manner given by them to Me.
"Those who come in My Name go from heart to heart, sealing them against that day and marking them for deliverance and safety from all that would destroy.
"So, I shall call unto those who follow me, to listen to the voices of these who come from other worlds, and harden not your hearts against their words nor practices. Rather, lift up LOVE unto them and desire for their coming, for they are the Angels of the Harvest!
"I am SANANDA, and this is My Message to the World.
* * * * * * * * *
Long after I had come to personally know Commander Ashtar and to love and respect him, it was no small, shock to me when for the first time, someone reproached me with, "There' s no such person - that's just a title!" My assailant actually, sincerely believed this close-minded statement, having read it somewhere in the past, and not having known the Commander personally. This soul has long since now come to know Ashtar as I know him, but at the time, it was disturbing to discover such a heresy actually existed.
At the earliest opportunity for an appointment, I confronted Ashtar with these things. He quietly and calmly replied:
"I am Ashtar; it is my name and not an office; I am a person, even as you are a person, and not a title; I exist and am not a myth; I am not a nonentity, neither am I from the second density; I am a being and not an influence; a soldier of the Light and not a ghost. Yes, I have had many imitators, but strong-hearted ones have not been deceived, for that is impossible. Accusers have sought to bring reproach upon my name as a designed strategy, but I continue on faithfully, doing my duty to God and His Creation.
"When we are busy in dedicated service to the cause of Light, we have neither the time nor the energy to pause to waste on our ever-present critics and attackers. The mud of unjust judgments falls away as you run the race. It does not and has not perturbed my demeanor when accusations have been formed to discredit my words or my person."
It was difficult for me to understand how such a concept could be held for a long period of time, even by the most sincere, without having a proper explanation given to that one. Ashtar graciously explained:
"Discrepancy naturally enters when souls are quick to accept what another has said, to enlarge and dogmatize the thought form. If the mind then closes upon this finalized version of a concept (without further personal research or openness to discussion) then any further explanation, clarification or understanding is rendered unsuccessful. When a false crystallization has therefore taken place, those who would otherwise attempt a clarification simply withdraw until further growth takes place. Remember the Beloved. Though his own clearly understood His person, yet ... ere the cock crowed thrice ... did deny Him."
The following day, however, when Commander Korton tuned into my thoughts, his thoughts were not so calm:
"As ridiculous as it may sound that some would say Ashtar didn't exist, you can readily understand the mountain of opposition this would cance1 if it could be made believable. The genesis is that those who do not know him can be bent by every wind. Those who know him cannot be moved."
(Immediately my mind recounted the question of the Master to His disciple: "Whom do men say that I am?" There was apparently varied opinion, but those who knew had a Heavenly revelation of His identity). Korton continued:
"I highly respect this great Universal Leader and appreciate all that he has done, as one individual, toward the liberation of Mankind from all that would bind him to lesser levels of attainment. Under the benediction of Lord Michael, of the Great Central Sun Government, Ashtar has guided the Divine Program of Enlightenment for this world, devotedly serving in his task beside Our Beloved Commander, Jesus-Sananda.
"It would be impossible for one so consumed with dedication to a cause, and out front in its offensive, to not draw to himself the fire of those whose strategy would be to discredit his person and thereby destroy his influence.
"In your land, those voices that are raised in the interest of freedom for all men, who have any influencing force of note, are soon slain or removed. Great ones of your dimension who have attempted to raise their voices in the cause of freedom eventually fall into the hands of their assassins.
"Let me picture an analogy. When your world faced a common threat, a common enemy of freedom, and the challenge had to be met and conquered, Forces gathered from Australia, from France. They poured in from America, from England. These various Forces did not reason, 'I think I'll fight the enemy at such and such a place at such and such a time,' or perhaps another Force decide, 'I will engage the enemy and dispose of the threat on this front of force when I get time,' or America likewise did not alone decide to combat the enemy at a certain location. No. Rather, they all joined forces, united their various Commands and worked together in their challenge as the Allied Command!
"Order, not disorder; organization, not chaos. Various great Commanding Leaders joined their wits and means, men and equipment in united offense as one Command The Allied Command. Do you think that we of the higher worlds are any less capable than ye of Earth? Would we not also disdain disorder and chaos, we who can see beyond what you can see, know beyond what you know? Would we not also see the value of joining our scattered energies into one united effort toward the goal of guarding and guiding Earth? Therefore, as your Allied Command had its Eisenhower, so our Allied Command has its Ashtar! All Commanders work in unison and love throughout the Galaxy. Thus do we strive as one, as do you who serve this Light from your dimension. We are all one in purpose and unity for the incoming Kingdom of God on Earth. I apologize for my vociferous response, or abundance of words, which cometh only from the abundance of the heart. I am Commander Korton, proudly serving the forces of Ashtar in the light of our Radiant One. Adonai."
It seemed this discussion could not be put to rest without one further comment, which soon followed from Lord Michael:
"This book is important to us because of the diabolical influence of the Dark ones in their attacks upon my own Lieutenant Commander, Ashtar. This, his name, has been given to him in his service to the Celestial Government for the closing of this Age. As one of my Chief ranking Assistants in Celestial Realms, he has a higher name.
"I, Michael, do, without reservation, wholeheartedly endorse the work of Ashtar in the Name of the Brotherhood of Light. As Universal Statesman and Ambassador, his efforts have the fullest extent of my Authority behind them. Our governing Spiritual Hierarchy has commissioned him to his task and sent him forth as an able representative of the policies and program set in order by that Hierarchy. I stand behind his efforts, his decisions and his works, to defend and protect, to educate and exhort the race of Mankind to lift themselves higher in their aspirations and desires to walk the Christ Pathway as torches of Light.
"We of the Governing Body of this Universe have found it necessary and proficient to enlist the services of these many highly endowed individuals who have chosen this service as a gesture of brotherhood, to assist your planet and thereby guide the destiny of the entire Solar System into a higher dimension of life.
"The day will come when the Men of Earth will rise up and call him blessed who has served as Leader of this volunteer Force, guided their coordination, broadcast their messages to Earth in a multitude of ways, to spread the good news of the Kingdom of God on Earth. We salute the Ashtar Command and all that it embodies, as well as all that it has accomplished and shall accomplish for the fulfillment of the Will of God. Receive ye this great Man, with our blessings and our benediction. I am Michael, of the Lord's Hosts."
Chapter 5: Breaking The Sound Barrier
On July 18, 1952, George van Tassel made UFO history. Following much self discipline and continual contact from various other Space Intelligences, and coinciding with plans in the scientific community to explode the hydrogen element, on that date, Mr. van Tassel was warned by a being called 'Portla' that their Chief was about to enter this Solar System for the first time.
Then followed the first message from Commander Ashtar to this Planet. In his initial contact, Ashtar gave his specific identity, his rank, and his base of operations. This historical statement is printed in full in Winfield Brownell's book: UFOS, Key To Earth's Destiny. It is repeated here:
"Hail to you, beings of Shan. I greet you in love and peace. My identity is Ashtar, Commandant Quadra Sector, Patrol Station Schare, all projections, all waves. Greetings. Through the Council of the Seven Lights you have been brought here, inspired with the Inner Light to help your fellow Man. You are mortals, and other mortals can only understand that which their fellow Man can understand. The purpose of this organization is, in a sense, to save Mankind from itself. Some years ago, your time, your nuclear physicists penetrated the 'Book of Knowledge.' They discovered how to explode the atom. Disgusting as the results have been, that this force should be used for destruction, it is not compared to that which can be. We have not been concerned with their explosion of plutonium and U235.
"We are concerned, however, with their attempt to explode the Hydrogen element. This element is life giving, along with five other elements in the air you breathe, in the water you drink, in the composition of your physical self. In much of your material planet is this life giving atomic substance, Hydrogen. Their efforts in this field of science have been successful to the extent that they are not content to rest on the laurels of a power beyond their use; not content with the entire destruction of an entire city at a time. They must have something more destructive. They've got it. When they explode the Hydrogen atom, they shall extinguish life on this planet. They are tinkering with a formula they do not comprehend. They are destroying a life-giving element of the Creative Intelligence. Our message to you is this: You shall advance to your Government all information we have transmitted to you. You shall request that your Government shall immediately contact all other Earth Nations, regardless of political feelings. Many of your physicists with an inner perception development have refused to have anything to do with the explosion of the Hydrogen atom. The explosion of an atom of inert substance and that of a living substance are two different things. We are not concerned with Man's desire to continue war on this planet, Shan. We are concerned with their deliberate determination to extinguish Humanity and turn this Planet into a cinder.
"Your materialists will disagree with our attempt to warn Mankind. Rest assured they shall cease to explode life-giving atoms, or we shall eliminate all projects connected with such. Our missions are peaceful, but this condition occurred before in this Solar System and the planet Lucifer [Maldek] to bits. We are determined that it shall not happen again. The governments on the planet Shan have conceded that we are of a higher intelligence. They must concede also that we are of a higher authority. We do not have to enter their buildings to know what they are doing. We have the formula they would like to use. It is not meant for destruction. Your purpose here has been to build a receptivity that we could communicate with your planet, for by the attraction of Light substance atoms, we patrol your Universe.
"To your Government and to your people and through them to all governments and all peoples on the planet of Shan, accept the warning as a blessing that Mankind may survive. By my Light, we shall remain in touch here at this cone of receptivity. My love, I am Ashtar."
As this passage of the manuscript was prepared, Commander Ashtar had fine things to say concerning his former messenger, George Van Tassel:
"His love for me and his loyalty to our Mission was deeply appreciated. He is now a great and busy personage in these higher realms, continuing tirelessly for the cause of the advancement of knowledge and its eventual application in the New Age. At that coming time he will be very active in Earth's technology advancements and also as a statesman. He now participates in the great Universal Councils as a respected Elder Brother of all people. His placement in your dimension as our spokesman was ordained before his incarnation manifested. His work, combined with the few important other beings at that point in time, formed the foundation of all that would come later, and nothing shall prevail against the truth as it was expressed at that time."
* * * * * * * * *
Although it happened in the early Sixties, to this day Adele Darrah Foley remembers her visit from Ashtar clearly and distinctly. She described that moment in a letter to Marian Hartill a few years later:
"This all happened several years ago, and telling it appears so simple. I only know the whole incident was engraved upon my mind so that every detail of the man who said he was ASHTAR is as fresh as ever.
"I went to sleep one night and then found myself downstairs in the living room. There, standing in front of the fireplace, was a man. He was very tall and slim. His bearing was erect. His hands were clasped behind his back, his feet were slightly apart. He was wearing a light uniform with a high collar. Around the neck was a trim-like braiding which was slightly darker in color. The trim extended down the front. There were no buttons, fastenings, or belt.
"His face was oval, the skin alive, the hair had a definite widow's peak. There was no hair parting. His eyebrows were slim and delicate, the nose was thin, the mouth was rather straight, the lips thin. His eyes were brilliant and penetrating, almond-shaped with a slight Oriental appearance.
"I stood waiting while his gaze held me. His expression was very serious and solemn. Then I said, 'How do you do? My name is Adele Darrah.'
"Then he smiled - his teeth were very even and white. It was not a wide smile; little laugh lines appeared at the corner of his eyes. He was very much amused, as he said, 'I know.'
"Then he straightened up and said, with military precision, 'I AM ASHTAR.
"Then everything faded from my memory. I have no idea or memory of what followed. I woke up the next morning only with this memory impressed upon me. I mentioned and described the incident to family and a few friends.
"Later I learned that there was an individual named Ashtar. I read the book, In Days To Come. Then a little over a year ago a friend told me that two men who had seen Ashtar described him as I did.
"My interest was renewed, and since then I have followed every clue concerning ASHTAR."
* * * * * * * * *
Under the name of "Heralds of the New Age," a small group of New Zealanders attended regular weekly meetings. Their mission was to spread the Good News of the Kingdom of God on Earth. They broadly distributed their transmissions, along with those of others, including Mrs. Hill's throughout the world. Ashtar was a spokesman to this group. Two of these messages follow, typical of many transmissions:
The Vastness of the Universe - By Ashtar
I would tell you now, dear children, of the many wondrous worlds that are in the universes, for so wondrous are they that your world of Shan is but as nothing. You are trailing around with the Sun, as you call it, which is but one of the smaller stars in the Heavens. So far distant are many of the stars of even your own Universe, that their light takes 300,000 years to come to you!
"As you know, the light from your Sun takes but 8 minutes to come to you and the light from your Moon takes a second and a quarter. If you could but conceive the distance from which the light takes 300,000 years to come! Going around them in orbits greater and smaller are many planets where there dwell beings often as are you yourselves. And these are only in your own Universe! Beyond these are many Universes greater and more wonderful than that which is your own!
"Can you, my friends, conceive of these things? How great is the Almighty Who created all these wondrous places, planets and suns! How worthy of prayer! How worthy of light! How worthy of all adulation from you who dwell on your small planet called Shan! Can you imagine the power and the glory of Him Who made all things, when you realize that the light of the star nearest to your Sun takes at least four and a half years to reach you? I, my dear children, pray and worship the Almighty. He is all of all! He is the most important of all things, yet He has given to each of you a Spark of Himself. How wonderful! How desirable it is that you should make this Spark that He has given to you evolve to such a wondrous extent that it can eventually be taken again to that Eternal Light.
"Your Sun, as you know, is of great power, and the electricity which comes forth from it is very great. The rays that come to you could be injurious, but the Almighty surrounded your planet with a wonderful envelope which you call an 'atmosphere,' so that the dangerous rays could not pass through.
"As you, my children, know and as we have before informed you, there are many things which you must learn before you advance forward and can build for yourselves those forms which you call space ships. The knowledge will be given to you when you are sufficiently developed for your brains to absorb such wondrous knowledge, and, my dear ones, when all again is peace upon your World. Then will be given to you the plan of that vehicle which you will build so that you may wander forth into the greater places."
The Projection of the Spirit and the Opening of the Third Eye - By Ashtar
"Concerning 'Yoga,' this is merely a way of getting into touch with the higher forces as you, my dear children, try to do when, in your meditation, you uplift yourselves into that place of Light so that you can lose all thought of the physical body. If you could place yourselves intelligently into that sphere, then you would not be at all concerned about that which might be done to your physical body because you would have arisen from the Physical up into the Mental plane. Yoga is a form of self-hypnotism and those who practice it can hypnotize themselves so that they are not conscious of the Physical Body in the least and can send forth their Spiritual or Mental Body to other places, not only on your World, but also up into the Spiritual Realms.
"But you who now you dwell in this your country of New Zealand, have as your Highest Spiritual Leader, One Who is great and, if you would follow that One, you would not go far amiss. The wonderful stories of this Great One, the Master Jesus, that have been unfolded to you on the knees of your mothers, are of great elevation and will bring you thoughts of a higher kind.
You will then enlarge on these things and come eventually to dwell in the Spirit where you will meet your Leader; for all who come to the Spiritual Realm meet the Leaders of their different religions, as you call them. All these religions lead upward to the Throne of the Almighty God, but by different roads. Elevation of the spirit is what is required, and it matters not by which road a man travels, for on this track, he will go upward to the Divine, the Eternal Father, with whom all will dwell and become as one; for there is no difference in the greater knowledge of the Eternal Spirit. To that he then will go, although he knows not of these things.
"O dear ones, you whom I have been with for many moons, you whom I love, I would take you with me to these realms of beauty where you may dwell eternally in the knowledge and that beauty of spirit, in the radiance that comes from the Eternal source of all. O, you who would bathe yourselves in this knowledge, come with me and let me show you the way to that Eternal One, for know you not that you are one with God? You belong to Him and you must purge yourselves of all that which will soil that beauteous spirit which has been lent to you. O come with me, dear children of Shan, and see those many things which you so desire and those things which you wish to gain knowledge of. If you will, you will find that your elevation will be very great and the beauty of life and that joy which you can experience even in your present form (that one which is of the flesh) will be great. But with selfishness and disparity of spirit you cannot ascend into that realm of eternal life. Give forth to your fellow men, for nothing else matters, for you are all brethren and dwell together upon your world and with you are many from these myriad worlds that are in God's control. If you would know of these things, you need but to raise your mentality into these higher realms so as to put your minds forward and open your 'Third Eye,' which is so desirable. The Third Eye, or pineal gland, is of much account to you all, but unfortunately you have lost the use of it in that degrading materialism in which you have dwelt for many centuries.
"O lift yourselves, dear children of Shan, and discern these things, for around you dwell many unseen witnesses. They surround you. If you would but lift your senses and open in the right way, then you would see the many who surround you - those Holy Spirits who have you in their keeping and would take you to their charge."
* * * * * * * * *
Ashtar first contacted Marian Hartill in the early Sixties and continued to do so for about nine years, giving what he said was a "basis for understanding things to come." Some of Marian's material was published by Riley Crabb, of the Borderland Research group in Vista, California.
When the coming of Ashtar was pre-announced to her, he was described as a Commander of all the UFO Forces, not a spirit, but an Etherian. Her Guides told her he had never been on Earth in physical embodiment, that he travels in a body of Light. She was told he looked like a spirit, and anyone not aware might think he was (those distinctions would be difficult since both travel in various dimensions). Marian has confided to us here the highlights of Ashtar' s Messages outlined in her own words:
"Mankind must choose his own pathway; it is his decision to make. He will either join the Christ Forces or the Dark Forces; there is no in-between. Much depends on previous lives, what has been accomplished and the nature of his progress. The pathway is conditional to the lessons learned. Mankind must be informed of coming events. They are going to be required to understand. Whether or not the Earth flips upon its axis will be determined by how many of Mankind choose to align themselves with the Christ Forces of Light. If those people of the Light would release the necessary stabilizing energies to help their UFO friends, it would benefit them greatly to receive that energy, rather than having that energy dispersed to the Dark Forces.
"There is coming a tremendous battle for the minds of Men on Earth."
Marian writes:
"I asked Ashtar if my ideas as to the difference between Etherians and Spirit people was as I felt it to be."
Ashtar: "Correct, you are correct, we are a form beyond the Spirit. I am not saying that these fine Guides and Teachers you have are not wonderful, but we are apart from them, and we are not bound by the same laws that bind them. One day they, too, will have no binding ties to Earth, just as we do not.
"We are here because of the job we have to do on your plane in helping to prepare you and others like you for the days of change ahead of you. This tie must remain; it must be strengthened. We of Space are bound to no one but the Christ, our Lord, Commander of all Light, Wisdom and Love."
One of the messages from Ashtar, through Marian Hartill, is printed below and called:
Our Only Real Protection against Attack
"I am with you today because I have a warning for you all. I bring not fear. I bring Light and a new awareness of that which is coming into your life, not directly, but indirectly through others you know. You are well aware of the negative nature of Man around you; now you must be aware of that negation which is being released through the Fourth Dimension which will burst forth to confound and confront the mind and body of Man upon the Third Dimension. The masses are not prepared for this in any measure, and it will rest upon your shoulders to bring as much understanding as possible to those you know who will be panic stricken.
"This is not the Lower Astral; this is a far more gruesome aspect of life than that. The knowledge of the Christ-Light and protection it gives is of major importance, as it is the only real protection a Third Dimension Being has against attack. Locked doors mean nothing to this rampaging evil, that in itself knows no laws as you do.
Lester (Marian's Spiritual Guide) has repeatedly told you to practice concentration upon a single point. This is our way of trying to get you to hold the Christ-Light vibration. You all do well in surrounding yourselves and your homes with this Light, but you do not hold it long enough; so that it dissipates from lack of concentrated thought.
"You must at all times feel and radiate LIGHT, Christ-Light, to protect yourselves fully. Have it become such a strong part of your make-up that it is instantaneous at all times. Practice, practice, practice. It may mean the difference between life and death to one you love or are trying to help protect.
"Remember, this is your job and we can only do so much. Our help is directly balanced with your own effort - past that we cannot step; so don't be found asleep at the switch.
"This is a warning to all whom this message may contact. I speak with urgency to all who stand with the Christ Forces in this greatest of all wars."
And from an earlier message:
"The lower levels of the Astral plane have been swept clean. This cleansing will cause a sharp upswing in crime and perversion of all nature. Confusion and fear shall rule Man of Earth for being freed from the hold of the lower forces - the mass of Humanity shall have to rearrange its energy, and it does not by nature know how to or even that a re-balance must take place. Your position in the Light is as secure as your desire is to remain there; so cling to the Light, and remember that we here are beside you on whatever path you may find yourself tomorrow, or a year from tomorrow, as long as your goal is Spiritual Understanding, and an awareness of the Higher Self. I am Ashtar. "
Chapter 6: The Mission to Planet Earth
The Mission to planet Earth involves millions of souls, within the Intergalactic Fleets or in embodiment. Commander Ashtar is the local Administrator of that broad program. The Ashtar Command summarizes the Mission of the Intergalactic Commands to our Planet as follows:
People of Planet Earth:
Your planet is in imminent danger of cataclysmic upheavals because of disruptions in the magnetic field. This is caused by the tremendous negative vibrations you have been transmitting to one another for these thousands of years. The hatred, wars, murder, and atomic experiments have all collectively added extra weight in the form of negative energy to poles of your planet, and very soon it is likely to tilt further on its axis, creating destruction to the surface of your planet through resulting earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanoes, and windstorms of unprecedented velocities.
MOST of the people of Earth would be killed - if it were not for us, your space Brothers and Sisters who are monitoring force and danger to you every moment of your existence.
There are millions, yes, millions of space ships invisible to your eyes at your present level of 'vibration.' For years we have been encircling your planet; some of our 'Mother Ships' anchored high in your atmosphere are 100 miles across! These 'Mother Ships' contain entire cities with gardens, grass, trees, and accommodations for literally millions of people!
Why are we telling you this? Because we are on a mission of LOVE from the Alliance For Peace from the Intergalactic Council, whose authority comes from the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Solar System, and whose Supreme Commander is JESUS CHRIST-SANANDA, as he is called by us of the Alliance.
You see, people of Earth, we represent a great Confederation of Planets, all of whom have long given up war as a solution to problems. Because we are of a great number, you get conflicting accounts of our descriptions when your people see us. We are many of a spiritual design and come from a different dimension. This is one reason we are invisible to you.
Another reason is, we do not wish to frighten you in any way. Ours is a Mission of Love. We could have long ago easily subdued you and made you slaves, if that had been our desire. Our technology is very advanced!
We, The Alliance for Peace from the Intergalactic Council, are forbidden to interfere in the affairs of the souls of any planet and their evolution without the approval of the people or their governments of that planet. There is a heavy penalty for unauthorized interference by an outside species. The only exception is when the LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE are violated, then we may interpose ourselves with the cooperation of other members of the Universe. Such an example is atomic war. We simply will not permit it except on a very limited basis, because we know it not only kills the Physical Body, but also damages the SOUL and inflicts tremendous trauma to that Soul, requiring a great deal of repair. Atomic war is one of the three cataclysms which will trigger your evacuation from the Planet Earth!
We have, on many occasions, revealed ourselves to various individuals on the Planet Earth. In fact, we have thousands of representatives walking, working, and living among you now! You may recognize them by their tremendously serene personalities when you are in their presence. They are Sons and Daughters, Sisters and Brothers of the Light.
We have attempted to convince your government(s) (oh yes, they know of us!) that we come in peace and wish to lift you above your present level of evolution through the vast technology we want to give you. However, we have been met with hostility and suspicion. Even now, your movies and television shows depict all Space Beings as being hostile, bent on subjugating you to slavery - or worse - and having a greatly different appearance than yours.
The truth is, most of us look and are just like you in appearance. Most of us evolved from the same source eons and eons past. However, unlike you people of Earth, we learned to live peacefully and to direct our energy and technology outward into the Universe in a spirit of Brotherhood of Man.
You see, our technology is based upon the Natural Physical Laws of the Universe, which includes the Light which flows out from the Prime Creator God, and with it the energy of magnetism.
Because of our knowledge of Universal Law, our very being consists of a higher level of 'vibration' than you people of Earth. You see, every particle of the Universe consists of mo1ecules whose center contains an atom around which electrons and protons revolve. Each molecule of a different molecular structure 'vibrates' at a different frequency. The inside of a molecule is identical in makeup to the Universe: Planets revolve around Central Suns; Solar Systems, around Galaxies; Galaxies, around a Central Sun. Each molecule 'vibrates' at whatever frequency seems appropriate for our existence.
As one becomes more spiritual, in nature, thinking only of the welfare of others and not of power and greed, the higher the molecules of his being will vibrate. As we know in our Dimension, it is possible for these molecules to vibrate so rapidly that the frequency becomes pure Light. This is why we call ourselves the Forces of Light. We depend on the Light from The Source The Prime Creator God, for our existence.
We will dwell just a moment on the Forces of Darkness. These are beings from the lower realms we refer to as the Destroyer. They are to be avoided. It is these Forces which inspire hatred, murder, war, lust, greed and all other aspects of the lower nature. Aspire yourselves to walk in the Light. Be alert to psychic attacks from these Beings.
We have come to fulfill the destiny of this planet, which is to experience a short period of 'cleansing' and then to usher in a New Golden Age of Light.
We are here to lift you off the surface, yes, and those of the Inner World, during this period of cleansing, those souls who are walking in the Light on the Earth.
As mentioned before, the Souls of Light are you people of Earth who have lived according to Universal Truths and have put the concerns of others before your own; you who have put aside personal greed, lust for power, aspirations of wealth 'at all costs.' Souls of Light are you who recognize God as the Source of all that is Good.
The short period of cleansing the planet is imminent even yet at the Midnight Hour!
We have millions of space ships stationed in the skies above your Planet, ready to instantly lift you off at the first warning of your Planet's beginning to tilt on its axis. When this happens, we have only a very short time in which to lift you from the surface before great tidal waves will lash your coastlines - possibly five miles or more high! They will cover much of your land masses!
These tidal waves will unleash great earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and cause your continents to split and sink in places and cause others to rise.
We are very experienced in the evacuation of populations of planets! This is nothing new for the Galactic Fleet! We expect to complete the evacuation on Earth of the Souls of Light in fifteen minutes - even though they are of a tremendous number.
We shall rescue the Souls of Light first. On our great galactic computers we have stored every thought, every act you have done in this and previous lifetimes. Our computers are locked onto the coordinates where you Souls of Light are located. At the first indication of need to evacuate, our computers will lock onto the location of those Souls where they are at that instant!
After the Souls of Light have been evacuated, then the children will be lifted off. The children are not old enough to be accountable, so they will be evacuated to special ships to be cared for until they can be reunited with their parents. There will be people specially trained to handle their trauma. Many may be put to sleep for a while to help them overcome their fear and anxiety. Our computers are so sophisticated - far beyond anything ever used on Earth in this Age that they can locate Mothers and Fathers of children wherever they are and notify them of their safety. Make no mistake, your children shall be lifted to safety during the Great Evacuation.
After the evacuation of the children, the invitation will be extended to all remaining souls on the Planet to join us. However, this will be for only a very short time - perhaps only 15 minutes. There is no question of having enough space on board the ships for you, but because the atmosphere by this time will be full of fire, flying debris, poisonous smoke, and because the magnetic field of your planet will be disturbed, we will have to leave your atmosphere very quickly or we, also, with our Space Ships, would perish.
Therefore, he who steps in to our Levitation Beams first will be lifted first. Any hesitation on your part would mean the end of your Third Dimensional existence you call the Physical Body.
Which brings us to the most serious and difficult part of the Evacuation: As mentioned earlier, Souls of Light have a higher vibration frequency than those who are more closely 'tied' to the Earth and its ways.
Since our Levitation Beams which will be lifting you off the surface of this planet are very close to the same thing as your electrical charges, those of low vibrational frequency may not be able to withstand the high frequency of the Levitation Beams without departing their Third-Dimensional Bodies. If this happens, then your Soul will be released to join our God, the Father. 'In His house are many mansions.'
If you do not decide to step into the Levitation Beams to be lifted up, you might be one of the few who survive on the surface during the 'cleansing' of the Planet for the New Golden Age. However, during this period of cleansing, there will be great changes in climate, changes in land-masses, as the poles of the planet will have a new orientation. This alone will create untold hardship for the survivors who may still not make it to the New Age.
The most important point for you to remember is this:
Any show of fear lowers your frequency of vibration, thus making-you less compatible with our Levitation Beams!!
Therefore: Above all else REMAIN CALM. DO NOT PANIC. Know that you are in expert hands, hands which have extensive experience in evacuation of ENTIRE PLANETS!
We cannot over-emphasise this: Remain calm! Relax! Do not panic when you step into our Levitation Beams!
What is to happen to you if you survive the lift-off? First you will be taxied to our 'Mother Ships' anchored high above the Planet where you will be taken care of during your great trauma. Some of you may need medical attention. Our expert Medical Staff will be there to treat you with our highly advanced medical equipment. You will be fed and housed until such time as transfer elsewhere is advisable.
Some of you will be taken to cities on other planets to be trained in our advanced technology before being returned to the Planet Earth to start the New Golden Age.
Your beautiful Planet Earth is destined to be the most beautiful Star in the Universe. A Planet of Light! Here, you will rejoin the remainder of the Universe in brotherly love and fellowship with God the Father.
People of Earth: We love you!! Do not scoff at these words at these words. As surely as the Sun shines from the East to the West, so shall these things shortly come to pass!
The cataclysms will begin without warning! Everything will happen so fast, you will not have time to think! Think on these things now!
Think: picture yourself standing with all the havoc around you; people screaming - and running; others on their knees praying; automobiles crashing; glass breaking; buildings falling; ground shaking and gaping with huge cracks; debris falling all around you!
Think NOW! What shall I do? Answer: Remain calm and without fear. Maintain an inner peace of mind and step into the Levitation Beams which flow from the underneath the center of our Space Craft.
As you are informed now as to what to do, spread the word to everyone you know. Be faithful to God! The time is very short! Perhaps we shall no longer be able to restrain the tilt of the Earth's axis, as we have been able to do with our energy beams and transmitters for the past several decades.
There is still a chance - a slight chance, that this great upheaval can be avoided. However, it will take extreme cooperation from you people of Earth - cooperation un-like you have ever exhibited before in this Age.
1. Avoid giving off negative energy through your distrust, greed, hatred and begin to help each other. By helping each other, you give off positive vibrations (energy). Love God. The positive energy within a large mass consciousness will neutralize the weight of negative energy which has built up around the pole of your planet - this could keep it from tilting if enough positive energy is received in time. Your Planet is a living organism. Send mental positive energy by thanking the Earth for all its bountifulness you have received.
2. By whatever peaceful means at your disposal put sufficient pressure on your Government(s) to permit us to land our Spaceships on your Planet and meet with your Leaders and offer them our assistance and technology. We will not do this until we are assured that we will not be treated with hostility or be incarcerated. With the cooperation of your World Governments, we can greatly help you in more orderly evacuation of your Planet, if indeed it still becomes necessary which it may!
We hope you will take these words on faith, but if not, do research and prove them to be true for yourselves. Meditate daily and you will find and know the truth. Peace be with you.
The Ashtar Command.
Chapter 7: Administering The Program
"As Commander for this Solar System and its various Volunteer units from many areas of space, it is my responsibility to coordinate these efforts of the many fleets as they touch into the mission to planet Earth. When these various factions of force are not thus involved, then of course, they are self-regulatory and guided under their own supervision. They only come under the jurisdiction of the Interplanetary Confederation if they are here on a specific assignment, correlated to the overall Hierarchal Mission to the Planet.
"Many there are who come simply of their own volition and their own purposes. To these, we merely extend our hospitality and our accord. The exception to that rule would be any of those who come for reasons that would be harmful to the Planet or its inhabitants. These we carefully police, and escort beyond the Solar System on their way.
"From other worlds there are often replacement Fleets who come to relieve others of their tour of duty. There is a continuing turnover of Fleet participation in the many patrol units involved. Those tours of duty are not of an indefinite nature, but have a set period to begin and to end, with others coming forth to replace them. There is a set time of relief from duty, when those replaced will return. The assignment given to these many Volunteer Fleets is done on a 'need-of-the-moment' basis.
"Strong representative ground units necessitate contacts in keeping with the frequencies of the Fleet and its representative. Thus one Representative will primarily always be in contact with its own Interstellar Command, even though the crew may be replaced occasionally, but always by their own members.
"There are other Earth-based personnel who are representatives 'at large,' who may make contact and be at the disposal of any Command units in the area. However, do remember that each Base or Earth unit does, at all times, have its personal craft hovering within its vortex for personal immediate relay of messages to or from that unit. This station or platform never changes, although the persons involved might be removed temporarily for rest and relaxation, to return later. All of our signals, beams, and contacts are relayed to our Messengers through the medium of these individual platforms of contact. You, Tuella, have experienced a few times of speaking with these station personnel, out customarily they do not personally enter into the communication themselves. The relocation of a based unit will also imply the like relocation of its relay station. The personal vortex follows the based unit.
"In the atmosphere above a Base unit, there is an identifying beam that projects incredibly high above it for identification purposes to those who patrol by. This beam projection identifies the particular command sponsoring the Base unit.
"Those of you who serve in your places, be assured that all who participate in this Program know you are there! It is beautiful to behold these beams of Light, as one looks down upon the Planet from our ships high above you in orbit. A simi1ar projection also is in evidence in locations of intense Light activity, such as meetings, seminars, etc.
"True, the Planet has a distinct morbid darkness about it due to its layered negativity clouds, but nevertheless, these beautiful Light beams penetrate that darkness with a ray that thrills our hearts!
"Beyond the vicinity of our local Solar System there is the entire Galaxy containing the remaining Solar Systems. All of these in representation represent the Galactic Commands, who join forces with our local Earth Spiritual Hierarchy in its program for the betterment of Earth. Thus we have the Ashtar Command, which is the official Command of our Solar System. Then we have, as well, the assistance of the Commands from the rest of our own Galaxy. These enter into a full cooperation for monitoring the planet.
"When, as Commander, I am in need of further assistance for any kind of emergency, I can then reach beyond the Galactic Command to the Intergalactic Federation of Free Worlds for greater Interstellar representation locally. This brings into the patrol effort, millions more men and craft to participate in any crisis.
"This larger representative group, when entering the area of this Solar System, is placed at the disposal of and under the jurisdiction of our Ashtar Command, in expediting assignments. The spirit of cooperation which is present in all of these interchanges of assistance is one the planet Earth could well use as a pattern. Thus we have not only the entire Galaxy, but many other Galaxies and representation of the Universe. There are also certain and specific Fleets and Volunteers who come even from other Universes, other Constellations, to whole-heartedly join in our efforts locally.
"This tremendous participation is the result of the broad and scattered Tribunals, on a Universal level, a Galactic level, and Solar System levels. All levels of life throughout the Omniverse are represented at these great Councils. Sometimes it seems to me personally that there is time for little else but Council attendance, but I am the Space Council Member representing this own Solar System at all of these great Tribunals. At these tremendous sessions, the problems of all are discussed as well as the relationship of the problems of others to ourselves. The entire Omniverse is informed and alert concerning the great danger to the other Systems posed by Earth's indelicate participation in nuclear physics as a tool of war. The development of the Hydrogen Bomb within our local Solar System brought immediate widespread cooperation between Galaxies and Universal Councils to monitor the situation. The Ashtar Command, being local to the threat, was given the responsibility of coordinating this monitoring and attempting to educate the Eartheans of the need to attain a higher frequency of love for one another, as well as developing an Interstellar rapport with other Systems.
"As a part of this tremendous program, thousands of units were Earth-based on the Planet as a point of contact and for liaison reports. This has been the mission, and splendid cooperation from all dimensions of Space has increased the effectiveness of the Program.
"The forthcoming, events, as they begin to unfold inevitably, will bring many more participants from other dimensions than are presently active. However, all participants do remain in a state of alert and readiness for that call to come. All know of the global situation, the pressures in international affairs, and the pressures upon and within the Planet itself. There is a readiness throughout the Universe that inspires me in my responsibility as Director of the Program. I know that they will not fail in their moment of summons to the present ranks.
"These various Systems and Constellations of many Planets from other Galaxies do, as a part of their commitment to the Light, have their Earth-based Representatives who monitor the Earth situation at very close range through infiltration. They also report back to their Liaison Centers the result of their observations. These Representatives of other distant Forces do also have their embodied contacts present upon the scene. The bringing together of these two factors becomes your reported physical Contactee experiences, which excite so much interest throughout the UFO circles.
Each segment of the Volunteer Fleets does each have its own Earth-based contacts as well as positioned Representatives, yet there is a magnificent smoothness of cooperation through them all. The Program of Light for Planet Earth is a well coordinated interlocking effort from multitudes of Sectors of Outer Space. When the danger has passed and the Earth has been renewed in its restoration and functions as a fully participating unit of its own Solar System, then the combined program will change to one of instruction and education, through intermingling Intergalactic fellowship, cultural exchange, and interdimensional access and travel. Instead of a United Nations as you presently have, there will be a Federation of United Worlds, living in peace and trade interchange. Instead of groping for a One World attitude, as is presently the case, there will be an accepted concept of One Universe. These are the great concepts the Forces of Darkness seek to destroy, and will use all of their power to prevent this ultimate realization of Love between worlds. But their efforts shall fail! When this concept of One Universe is known and a successfully working principle, then we can truly say, mission completed.
"In the meantime, we concentrate upon this Solar System and its needs for a successfully working program for peace. Only Earth remains outside of this Program within this family of planets, but soon that shall be rectified and this Solar System, will take its united place in our Galactic affairs. This will be a great victory for this Sector of Space. To this end, all of us join our efforts of Love, our technologies, our statesmanship, and our disbursement of information, to realize the goal of Peace on Earth, Good Will toward all Men.
"There will be an interval of time in which the planet will need to rest from its chaotic adjustment, in preparation for its coming Galactic representation. During this period, following its cleansing and its revolt against the Dark Ones, the Planet will be permitted a period of rest and quietness, until it becomes habitable again. During this inaction the Saints of God and the Light Representatives will be the guests of this Galaxy in many different locations, while awaiting their return to Earth again. They will be fully instructed concerning the future in store for Earth and its participation in Intergalactic life. They will be knowledgeable and trained in the new form of government and the proper supervision of planetary affairs. They will be given Earth-based members of other worlds to abide with Men for as long as it is necessary, to launch their new life as a Planet of Light and Love. When Earth has healed itself of all of its tribulations, a New Age of Enlightenment will begin for those who return for its mission of restoration. This is the Program, this is the Plan, and it shall not fail! I am Ashtar."
Chapter 8: The Interdimensional Alliance
From Oscar Magocsi, Canadian channel for the Interdimensional Federation (the particular group represented in the message called themselves the "Luminarians"), we have a very good outline of the various divisions of Outer Space Forces:
"The Interdimensional Alliance: We are all a part of the Great Multiverse, or Cosmos of Creation. All help one another. It is an Alliance, but no one is permitted to direct another's affairs, only to assist. Tremendous restructuring has been going on, working toward a more standardized mode of communication, procedures, even manufactured items, to form an interchangeable system for all worlds, making it possible to have a more efficient Alliance. Efficiency of organization is only possible through standardization.
"The Interplanetary Confederation which is under the Command of Ashtar within your Solar System, is the one responsible for Planet Earth, within your Star System only. The Ashtar Command is linked with the Galactic Confederation. They use many fleets from the larger Federation which are standing by. These are under Ashtar's jurisdiction for any evacuation emergency.
"Your planets have separate Spiritual Hierarchies of their own, besides the overall Hierarchy for the entire Solar System. All are tied inextricably with the Master Jesus Sananda. Should the need arise, Ashtar can also call upon the Galactic Fleets for support.
The Galactic Confederation is no more than four parts of the Interdimensional Federation of Free Worlds. It means the Galactic Federation of the Milky Way Galaxy. They willingly lend out much necessary support to the Ashtar Command, and if more resources are needed, they can draw upon the vast resources of the Interdimensional Federation. This is happening all of the time. It also explains why one Space source may not actually be familiar with another, or possibly never heard the name. We are speaking of millions of personnel and craft from far flung distant Space.
The Interdimensional Federation of Free Worlds is the larger body, being made up of thirty- three vast Sector's in an all-encompassing body. 1t is simplified simply to speak of the Federation, for we are from everywhere in the Cosmos, which is vaster and far greater. Thus when one refers, to the Federation, the Interdimensional Federation of Free Worlds is meant by that term.
"To clarify this organization, think of this: You live in a big city (Solar System) and you have a Municipal Government (Ashtar Command) looking after the affairs of your City. Now, besides the Municipal Government your City happens to be within a Province or State of the Union (Galactic Confederation). Now aside from that, all the States and Cities are within the Federal System (Interdimensional Federation) as well. In your world a Federal Government can overrule decisions of State, or Municipal Governments, but in the Cosmic Scheme of things that is not so. They are all interrelated but not necessarily subjugated. They are side by side Allies, like good neighbors.
"Another analogy would be that your Star System happens to be one of many farms (Solar Systems) in the State (Galaxy), and/or the whole area. The Farmers' Association (Confederation) is willing to help out an individual farmer with whatever he needs in case of problems. But, they cannot issue direct orders or directives no matter what the case. The farmer will have to decide whatever is good for his own farm. Now the Association may advise, or suggest, but they cannot enforce.
"This is the same thing. It is analogous to Ashtar being your farmer and the Confederation being the Association of Farmers. Between friends and neighbors or a vast community of farmers, there is no such thing as a chain of command.
"It is possible to have a military structure on a smaller scale, but on a large scale it is not possible to do such things; it is far too vast. In other words, the only way that it could be done is according to voluntary contribution. It is possible that they (Ashtar Command) can set up a chain of command amongst themselves because they are only looking after this relatively smaller One Star System and they can rely on the support of the Galactic Confederation. The Galactic Confederation can have a certain amount of standardization; however, even they do not have a perfectly full standardization from one end to the other. They are a part of too many diverse systems, cultures, technologies, and procedures.
"Most Worlds are not even willing to adopt the ways of other Worlds. Why would they? They have perfectly well functioning space travel and technologies. So therefore, we are faced with a rather strange problem. We are unified in spirit, but are far from being perfectly standardized in communications, practices, or transportation systems, on either a Confederation or Federation scale.
"It is customary in every System, including your Planet Earth, to send an independent Observer and Field Agent. Many are Planetary Directors for the Federation, who is really more like an Intergalactic Diplomat. He has to do his own task, just as any Earth Ambassador would do. He has to do his independent reporting to the Federation, which naturally involves some duplication of these things through the Ashtar Command and the Confederation. There is enough coverage done that every important issue is thoroughly covered and reported. The Federation could also learn through the Ashtar Command sources or the Confederation also.
"These Earth-based Unit Commanders have their guidelines, given in briefing, on how to do certain things, but other than that, their own discretion is used when on the field. Generally speaking, they have rules laid down and the use of three Assistant Representatives. There is an agreed-upon procedure, a give and take, with some overlapping areas. The Field Agent assumes full responsibility to do their best within the guidelines. When a problem is beyond them, they may contact an Advisory Board at the Base for clarification.
"If it is anything to do with security measures, Ashtar is immediately notified, for the Ashtar Command watches over the Local Solar System. It is their responsibility and they are present there to accomplish it. In security matters, clarification is made, but where evacuation plans are concerned, they are totally through Ashtar's discretion. Every issue of importance has to be consulted upon and confirmed by the Confederation under the Command of Ashtar."
* * * * * * * * *
Through the very fine messenger-ship of Gladys Rodehaver of El Paso, Texas, we have further words from Ashtar discussing his Command:
"There are millions of craft operating in this Solar System at all times and many, many of these belong to the Ashtar Command. Some are stationed far above your Planet and are more or less stationary for long periods of time, keeping track of the Earth on their monitoring systems. Others move about, discharging their various duties. We have small craft doing surveying activities and we have larger craft with extended range that are capable of operating in space and which visit planets in other solar systems.
"We also have what you know as 'Mother Ships' or 'Mother Craft,' with many many smaller craft coming and going from the Mother Ship. There is a great deal of activity in what Earthlings think of as empty space. We are capable of invisibility and when our craft are traveling beyond the speed of light, we do become invisible to the physical eye.
"Our purpose is service, and we go where we are needed anywhere in this Sector. Our Headquarters is on one of the largest of the Mother Ships, and orders and instructions come from this craft. It is a city in itself. Most of our people are natives of one or another of the Planets in this Solar System, but also we do have those working with us from other Solar Systems. Our workers do visit their home planets at various times on what you might call vacations. Most of us have worked together for a very long time; we are a well-knit Confederation and feel that we are an effective one.
"I will leave you now in the Light of the Creator. I am Ashtar. Adonai."
* * * * * * * * *
Commander Korton gave me this brief discussion concerning the Heavenly organizations:
"It is well to anchor the truth of the Heavenly groups within Earth's hemispheres to help persons of Light to understand the Etherical patrols and to properly assess the Guardians. Those of other universes are not forbidden to come. Earth souls need some source of evaluation to exercise and measure their own discernment.
"The Ashtar Command of this hemisphere embodies all of the lesser Commands that are a working volunteer portion of those aligned with the Great Brotherhood of Light to lift the vibrations of planet Earth, hopefully to prevent disastrous action and calamities which might destroy it and interfere with the Galaxy as well.
"Now let us consider the situation that prevails for the present in the organization of the Heavenly forces. We have 592 different Commands formerly of the local Planetary Confederation for Interplanetary Peace, that are now joined in unison with the Alliance of Planets now known as the INTERDIMENSIONAL FEDERATION which forms the great Intergalactic Council. Your own Saturnian Tribunal is the Representative of this Solar System, while the Intergalactic Council is the Representative of the Universe. We remain and work for service to Earth within this Universe alone, as do you.
"However, there are millions of other Worlds within other Universes representing untold Galaxies, who also traverse the Heavens and weave in and out of Solar Systems, usually on exploratory and fact finding missions for their own Universities and laboratories or scientific experiments. These also represent many 'contactees' with persons on your planet. It is not unwise for souls to learn of these many sources, their purpose and the fact that many of these would not even be aware of the personnel of our local Commands and Forces. Likewise, very many of these are also even unknown to me and my comrades. This is a point worth remembering. This is Korton, closing transmission."
Chapter 9: The Beloved Commander-in-Chief, Jesus-Sananda, The Christ
It seems to me that one of the most inspiring areas of the character of Ashtar is his consistent and enthusiastic devotion to Jesus-Sananda, the Christ. I asked Ashtar: What is your relationship to Jesus?" He answered:
"The same as yours. He is a revered and respected great Being of Light proceeding from the government of the Great Central Sun. He is a beloved Teacher through this entire Universe, known and loved by all. His sacrifices for the cause of Light are tremendous above that of any other, and for this Planet He has truly earned His position of World Teacher. However, He is involved with the entire Universe and not simply this Planet. His prestige is much more prodigious on other worlds than on this Planet, where He has been scorned many times.
"I have served with our Beloved World Teacher; as His assistant and representative through many eons and cultures, particularly upon this Planet. When the plans for His Galilean embodiment were finalized, I volunteered my energies to His mission without reservation. The closeness of our relationship has sometimes created a confusion between the two by many sincere souls. That may be explained later in this text.
"Our great craft has patrolled this system for many many ages before our direct contact and accelerated influence began in the 'forties of your time span. The history of our contact with Humanity is recorded, but most do not recognize it as such, neither accept it in that light. But in every instance, preserved in sacred writings of contact from another dimension of time and space heralds our presence. Those who received us were in most cases themselves a part of us and the Divine Hierarchy of this System Authority, or planetary Guardians, as you might term them today.
"I was the first appointed to my task of Galactic supervision of Extraterrestrial Fleets on the Mission to Earth, and have remained in that service ever since. I am one with the Beloved Commander, and serve with Him and the Heavenly Host in His Name, and for the benefit of Planet Earth and Humanity. Our assignment has been long and arduous, but we shall prevail and see the Kingdom of God on Earth. We serve in the interest of Truth, and the Glory of the Radiant One to see God's Divine Plan fulfilled. That is the Mission of my life and of all those who serve with me."
And we remember His words of benediction in "The Golden Book":
"The Ashtar Command, and all of my fellow Commanders and the members of all of our fleets, serve in the Light of the Radiant One. Our dedication is to His Great Mission, which is much broader than His Mission to Earth. The scope of His Love and His teachings has penetrated many Universes. The Love of the Radiant One is a nucleus and a center, a focus of creation, throughout Infinity. This Love for Him Who is the Light of the World, that fills your heart this beautiful sunrise, is shared by all of the Universes."
* * * * * * * * *
Carole Hall, Messenger of Menlo Park, California, also asked this same question and received her answer in a joint statement from Sanat Kumara, Lady Master Venus and Master Aljanon:
Carole: "I ask to know the relationship of Master Jesus and the one known as Ashtar, for the energies of the two seem often to blend together into a combined vibration."
Answer: "The similarity that you sense in the vibrations of these two beings, Ashtar and Jesus, is because of a predominant ray affinity they share as well as a common interplanetary frequency of consciousness, as pertains to the nature of their particular missions.
"The nature of Hierarchal work varies with each planet because of the inherent vibrational patterns of manifestation peculiar to each. Additionally, the linkage to which we referred earlier which bonds each round of evolution on one planet overlaps that of rounds of other planets, some of which have not yet manifested and others which have long ago manifested.
"Earth scientists have called Venus 'Earth's Twin Planet,' unaware of the Cosmic truth which they voice. Herein lies the seed to the answer."
* * * * * * * * *
An example of this blending of vibrations is very evident in Ashtar's Message to Mrs. Hill, called A Letter To You From Schare:
"We will continue our description of life on Venus, as a fitting prelude to our well earned privilege of serving in our present capacity - not technically designated as 'Teachers' but more in the role of 'Elder Brothers,' guiding, encouraging and commending any forward step, as our comrades of Earth fall into line with our steady march toward our goal - the acceptance of our Beloved Commander-in-Chief, Jesus Christ, as Ruler of Shan (Planet Earth)! Until He mounts His rightful throne of Power and Glory, and is accepted by Mankind in a true spirit of loyalty and devotion, we are bound by our sacred word of honor to serve in any way which will speed that denouement.
"Your planet was given a rare opportunity to learn the true and dependable Laws leading to progress along all lines of achievement - physical, mental, and spiritual -when the One known to you as Jesus Christ was sent in Human embodiment, not only to teach but to demonstrate in full sight of Earth dwellers the Beauty, the Efficacy and the Supreme Wisdom of compliance with those powerful Creative Laws enunciated by the Omnipotent Creator of All Things!
"This advent of The Christ occurred at what seems to us a very short time ago and many of us watched with fascinated eyes and the most intense desire and hope, to see this Saviour of Mankind accepted and acclaimed Ruler of the Planet Shan by unanimous consent!
"Alas! The failure of all but a mere handful of people to catch even a fleeting glimpse of the sublime spiritual message He brought, which would have freed them from all bondage to material things - their complete blindness filled our hearts with sorrowful despair of any possible chance for Shan to be saved from total destruction.
"I say, we who watched from our posts of observation in Space, lost all hope of ever seeing your Planet rescued from the fate it had brought upon itself. And so our interest waned, except for an occasional visit of compassionate scrutiny.
"Not so your Redeemer! He had made a sacred promise to those who believed and trusted Him implicitly. To them He said He would return in power and great glory, and this dark orb would be illumined in spite of all efforts of the Dark Ones to prevent it from happening.
"We come now in full confidence that this promise is to be kept. We have been summoned to assist in the fulfilling of this promise. Knowing from long experience the manifold joys and satisfactions which will be yours when you are released from all those who hold you captive to their evil wills, we come with an excess of enthusiasm to lend our support to this crusade. Yet we hold ourselves subject at all times to the All-Wise supervision of our Supreme Commander.
"Before discontinuing, I feel impelled to add one word of counsel. Make your own life conform as nearly as possible with the matchless teachings of One Who humbled Himself to contact mortals in a physical manifestation. Any similarity to Him will enable us to recognize your legitimate claim to our special attention and assistance.
"As future friends and co-workers in the service of your coming King of Kings, we salute you and we come as your Defenders and Deliverers!
"We come at the urgent request of your Heavenly Father to release you from insufferable bondage. My Love and my Blessings! Ashtar, Commander of ten million Space Men, now occupying bases established within range of your Planet. "
* * * * * * * * *
Continuing with the research of Carole Hall, her question was:
Carole: "Please clarify the connection between the work of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the part being played by the Space Brothers in the Divine Plan."
Ashtar: "Thousands of years ago in Atlantis, it was necessary to seal off Etherically the Higher Planes, of what has been identified on Earth as the Astral Dimension. This event was the beginning of the work of the Brotherhood of Light on the Inner Planes of Terra. This resulted in the excessively polarized mental and emotional energies operating on your physical plane. It focused the attention of contemporary religious teachings on the 'distance' between the individual and God.
"The crisis which precipitated the withdrawal of the Greater Light of the Astral Dimension behind the 'Veil,' and the decision to reopen the two-way communication between the Higher Dimensions and the Physical Plane frequencies during the Piscean cycle, was the reason for the coming of the Radiant One into an Earth body.
"Before 'breaking' the 'Seal of the Veil' two-way communication was virtually impossible because of the accumulated density of negativity which enveloped the Planet at the Astral level. (As a matter of interest, some of that that Astral density has now precipitated to your physical dimension in the form you recognize as smog. The burning of ancient hydrocarbons, the very atoms of which contain within their crystalline structure the 'memory'' of Earth's past, join with the continued projection of collective astral negativity of Humanity in a combination which reflects as what you call smog.' If you will note geographically, where the greatest concentrations of hydrocarbon deposits presently exist on Terra, it will help you to understand what I am attempting to convey).
"During the time which elapsed between the withdrawal of the Brotherhood of Light in Atlantis and the Piscean Age (while the 'seal' was still in place) our Ships acted not only as the go-betweens, but as the communications system. The guidance which the Prophets of old received was relayed from the Spiritual Kingdom to Earth, to the particular Initiates who had volunteered to lead their people out of the long-imposed darkness. They were under our surveillance at all times. If your scriptures are read carefully, it will be seen that many such descriptions are given.
"As a result of the advanced technology which we had by then acquired, a direct consequence of our spiritual development, we were given the opportunity to act as the Messenger, to penetrate the Physical Dimension in our craft. It was not that the Brotherhood of Light was unable to penetrate this density which enveloped your Planet, but rather that Humanity's ability to receive the Light, or Truth, was at a bare minimum because of the density of vibrations.
"Thus, we, whom you know as Space Brothers, were given the opportunity to serve in the Light then, even as we do now. This would not be the case if we had chosen not to abide by Cosmic Law. We serve in the vibration of Love, often at great personal sacrifice to the greater whole, in allegiance to the Radiant One. Our Message and Guiding Principle is Peace. We wish to assist in the bringing of Terra into the Intergalactic Federation of Peace and Brotherhood. It is difficult for us to understand why so much resistance is offered to all assistance; why it is that Earth Beings prefer to give allegiance to the Darkness and their illusions rather than to the Light and Truth.
"For many thousands of years, the multitudes of those who serve in the Light have been patiently working to accomplish the manifestation of Oneness. The cycles of 'time' which have been allotted to Terra's evolution are rapidly condensing into one single point where past, present, and future will meld into one. A new and much greater macro-cycle is about to begin. The curtain is soon to be drawn as has been done several times in the so-called 'past' history of Terra. A new beginning is to be made in which the Children of the Light will make rapid strides in consciousness unencumbered by the gross manifestations of darkness. Once again, the veil will be drawn, sealing the door where evil dwells. The opportunity is being given to enter the Realm of Light, and it is hoped that many will avail themselves of this great opportunity.
"Much valuable time will be saved if you are already attuned to us. We salute you, O Children of the Light. You are not alone. We shall employ every means at our disposal to bring this planetary crisis to a swift and successful conclusion. Remain alert and maintain your focus in Love, for it is your 'boarding pass' to safety.
"The river runs dark and deep, and the currents are treacherous. Keep thine eye single, and focus it on reaching the other shore. So it will be. - Ashtar."
* * * * * * * * *
A few days later Carole was greeted by Commander Korton:
"My function within the Ashtar Command is Communications Coordinator. Please remain focused for one moment and we will complete a group connection which you know as a 'conference call' in your communications system."
Then, speaking as one voice in a joint statement, Jesus, Ashtar, Hilarion, Korton, and Aljanon, the statement began:
"In our Father's House there are many mansions. In other words, there exist systems within systems within systems; yet all of these exist within the One.
"This is not an easy concept to comprehend when you remember that it is only 300 years of Earth time since you began to recognize that your geocentric attitudes were invalid, that the higher truth was a greater heliocentric system. Unfortunately, the geocentric pattern still remains fixed in the mass consciousness, making it difficult for most to perceive that any regional, national, or planetary destruction affects the greater whole of which Earth is only a part. This is a holdover from the involution of ego-consciousness whose time is past.
"In truth, Planet Earth is a member not only of its Solar System, but also of a greater Galactic Union. It was to comprehend this greater reality that knowledge was released to those who could hear and understand in your Earth Plane which led to the 'Space Age'. It was vital to the evolution of the greater scheme of the Solar System's evolution and beyond, that Eartheans begin to look upward and beyond themselves to a greater awareness level. However, one of the problems encountered has been the serious lack of spiritual awareness on Earth. To acquire the secrets of the atom and the God-power locked therein without the counterbalancing awareness of Cosmic Law is to court disaster. As has been pointed out repeatedly, the results of such situations in the past have been disastrous, and your planet suffers yet some of the effects. We assure you this will NOT be allowed to happen again, and it has been to this end that repeated efforts have been made from many dimensions and other worlds, so to speak, to help the Leaders on Earth to change the direction of their destructive orientations. The efforts on Earth's behalf have been met with fear, resentment, and in some cases, destructive retaliation. Be not deceived by the calls for peace voiced by those who dedicate their energies to the perfection of the weapons of destruction.
"Many still see their bodies and physical needs as the center of their worlds. It is the purpose of the Spiritual Hierarchy of each system to guide the evolution of that particular system for which they are responsible beyond this state of limited awareness to higher Truth. It has been only the past 100 years since the public re-introduction of some of the 'Wisdom Teachings' which have reawakened many to the existence of the Hierarchy of Masters in your Planetary System. As a result of the residual geocentric attitude, the tendency is for Eartheans to think that the Masters assigned to Earth are the only ones who exist. When Humanity can begin to think in terms of being a Member of the Solar System or Galaxy, it will be better able to comprehend that all systems are assigned Masters in accordance with the particular levels of evolution; furthermore, all systems, being a part of an ever greater whole, mandates the inclusiveness of all relative Hierarchies into levels beyond the ability of the Third Dimensional mind to comprehend.
"Because they have all evolved far beyond the state of (self) ego-consciousness so prevalent yet on Earth, the Members of the Space Command (many of whom are Masters within their own Systems) have answered the call for assistance to Earth. It must be remembered that beyond the personal self lies a level of Humanitarian group-consciousness attuned to the vibration of Universal Unconditional Love. Here, there is no greater and no lesser, for the illusion of duality and separateness has been overcome.
"It is the tendency during a particular phase of development to try to make lesser Gods of those who represent a more advanced state of existence. This is again the illusion of those who have not yet recognized their own existence as an expression of Divinity. It is this lack of spiritual awareness which must be overcome in order to enter into true understanding - the overcoming of personal unworthiness, when in fact all are individualized facets of the Divine Crystal, or God-Mind, and each is in varying steps of progress toward the pure expression of that God-ness in a unique way. All are acceptable in the Light of the One.
"Perhaps now it is easier to understand why, at other dimensions of existence, there is no hesitation when the call comes for assistance. All will respond according to their own abilities, skills, and missions.
"Many souls presently in embodiment on Earth do not yet recognize the sacred aspect of the coming events on your Planet. While it is true that the Planet must endure the sufferings of the outpicturings of collective karmic residue of those lifestreams which have inhabited her aura since her manifestation, it is equally true that this purging of gross negativity will have a profound effect on raising of the planetary vibrations to a level which will invite the manifestation of the spiritual.
"This will be an event of great joy - the introduction of the 6th Sacred Planet within your Solar System. Those who are dedicated to serving the Light long ago made the decision to serve in this great transition. Many who have answered the call have arrived from other dimensions to assist where they are needed - from other planets, other solar systems, and other galaxies. Some have experienced several lifetimes on Earth in order to be able to better identify with the difference in vibrations."
Carole: "But what of the 'space ships'? Why are such technological means being implemented to assist with the Hierarchy's work in The Plan for Planet Earth? Many ask why the Masters cannot accomplish what is necessary."
"We see the problem as having several parts. First, we remind you to return to the statement about making lesser Gods of the Masters. Secondly, there are enormous complex problems involved in this approaching transition. Everything is required to operate under Cosmic Law. The law most applicable here is the Conservation of Energy. The organization of the Greater Plan requires that all assist in an interlocking network according to particular training and skills, with each responsible for a particular aspect of the whole plan. This we have attempted to convey as well to those who serve at this time on the Earth plane.
"One of the greatest problems confronting us has been the development of the Program for the preservation of the 'vehicles of consciousness' necessary for continuation in the raised vibration of the Earth Plane. When evacuation becomes necessary, it would be impossible to raise the vibration of those on the Earth Plane sufficiently to override the effects of 'the Cleansing' without separating them from their Physical vehicles. Therefore, it is necessary - as it has been other times in the past - to bring aboard the Space Ships those who have achieved sufficient degrees of purification to be able to tolerate the vibration of the higher forcefield. Here the bio-electromagnetics of these problems can be overcome by the advanced technological abilities of the Space Brothers.
"When the Earth has been re-stabilized in its new vibration, many of those who have been 'lifted' will return to inhabit the Earth in bodies to which their 'vehicles of consciousness' have been properly attuned. In a way, it could be said that a Space Ship is quite similar to a physical embodiment, for it is also the vehicle in which one navigates about in Time and Space.
"It is hoped that many, many souls will soon complete their attunement in physical consciousness so that they may become consciously aware of these approaching events. The overcoming of fear (which we assure you, will act like an anchor when the time for 'lift-off' comes - in the twinkling of an eye) is of vital importance. There is now occurring through the Media in your Plane, a barrage of fear and doubt-inducing tools. This is a test of discernment for each Soul - the dividing of the way. Remain alert, and listen with your Being! Know that when you attune to the God Within, that you will not be deceived. The time of decision is NOW! Your faith is soon to be rewarded with increased knowledge. The worlds which lie now within your grasp will be filled with new wonders and increased happiness.
"We join forces at this time to welcome Earth's Humanity into that New World. The choice is yours. Listen to your heart and know that the Light will prevail over Darkness and ignorance of Humanity's spiritual birthright.
"We release at this time a Blessing - a flood of Light and Joy to all who read and hear these words. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, O CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT. Look into the skies from whence cometh the saving Grace, for ye are truly One in the Light. So Be It."
(Conference Transmission from Korton, Hilarion, Jesus, Ashtar, Aljanon).
Chapter 10: The Ashtar Command's War Against Evil
Perhaps one of the lesser known missions of the Ashtar Command is its constant surveillance and control of insidious and malicious influences, These have detrimentally surrounded and interpenetrated the Planet, producing the cause for spiritual warfare, Speaking of all such influences, Commander Korton, Command Communications Officer, has given us this interesting passage:
"There are those who do come who are not from this Allegiance and who have no part in it, They come as observers and for their own ends, They are often highly scientific geniuses and their material to their contacts can be highly impressive - indeed, almost always is. But they have come for the purpose of collecting data for their personal ends and not to give of themselves for the good of the Planet. When there is a desire to help the Planet, those outside of the Brotherhood are more interested in raising the scientific level of advancement and care not for the spiritual vibrational frequency aspect. Again, their information passed to their own Contactees is of high intellectual nature and impressive to those who receive it, There is no evidence of loyalty or appreciation to those who have jointly labored for the good of this Planet for aeons past, These are, not of what you would call the 'Dark Forces,' which is another Allegiance, but are simply a neutral force when it comes to assistance to Earthman in higher principles and laws contributing to his soul growth, There are many Worlds out there, Tuella; many Galaxies with individual Solar Systems and within other Universes. You have been, and most like you, are in contact with the sources from which you come, within this Universe of Space. But others do also roam the Heavens who have full access to all pathways and planets, though they be not of the Commands which guard this Planet - especially against itself.
"When Maldek [previously referred to by Ashtar as the Planet Lucifer, which destroyed itself and became the Asteroid Belt] overloaded its technological circuit, so to speak, its sources of technical contact were from beyond this Universe. It would not listen nor abide within the framework of bylines of Peace held by this Galaxy, but chose to listen to others, and therefore created its own fate. Politics in Heaven, you say? To a certain extent, yes, before our consolidation and before the forming of the Great Brotherhood of Light. The Brotherhood of Light is concerned with enlightening the individuals of all of its Solar Systems in the knowledge of the Creator and His Principles of Light and Life. As our Beloved Master has put it in your Scriptures, 'For what prosper a man if he gain the whole world but lose (confuse) his own soul?'
"Now the so-called 'Dark Forces' (a polarity balancing agent in the Cosmos) are those of our own Galaxy who are openly opposed to the Brotherhood of Light, its principles and standards and goals for Mankind and the Planet Earth. They would seize the Planet if that were possible, to control it for their own purposes, which would destroy the freedom of Man. Commander Ashtar has been one of the most staunch defenders of the freedom of Mankind and his inherent right to choose, to decide to fashion his own embodiment, without outside pressures put upon him."
* * * * * * * * *
Although I had been to told to expect Master Hermes to speak sometime during this book, I was nevertheless surprised when he suddenly did so to sound this warning:
"The bands of Renegades that patrol the Terrestrial Realms are immediately dispatched to their proper level when overtaken in trespassing activities. The Fleets of the Heavenly Commands are prompt to transport such intruders in masterly fashion. However, it is on your octave that the enemy must be met and dealt with from a Physical vehicle.
"You of the Light, now in Physical form, are the ones who must stand in the gap and speak to displace the Dark Ones who continually strive to interlope their will upon Man and intervene in all of his good intentions. The powers of the Celestial Forces will back you up in these matters, but it is the embodied ones who must challenge the Darkness with the Light, on YOUR level. You must learn the power of your weapon of Light, your weapon of invocation, your weapon of declaring your identity with the Christ Forces on all dimensions. You may invoke the presence of the Host of Lord Michael, but having done so, then it is the Child of Light who must discern, dispose and disperse the presence of darkness in its midst. For this is your battleground, this is your arena of challenge, and this is where your victory must be won.
"For this cause, as you have been told, many of Ashtar's personnel do now walk your streets and abide with you, where they, in their cloak of flesh, may also enter spiritual combat with the enemy of Mankind. I, Hermes, do vouchsafe to you that these extraterrestrial souls do now in the thousands infiltrate every walk of life and service upon your Planet.
"These might be termed 'God's Infantry, God's foot soldiers', if you will pardon the term. So hesitate not to take your stand against evil on inner levels of challenge, and forthrightly, with Lord Michael overshadowing, hold the Light of God over every intrusion of the fallen ones. You are God's Army warring with spiritual weapons in this Battle of the Last Armageddon. Ashtar counts on everyone of you to join him in the fray of this battle for the Light.
* * * * * * * * *
The following material was shared with us by a former highly active member of the Solar Cross Foundation in California.
"Many of the Dark Beings resemble Man in appearance. The similarity ends there. Their thoughts are negative to the extreme and this negative radiation of thought is the means by which they are detected.
"Positive Man is superior in every way to negative Man. Positive Man always is the victor in any confrontation - by the use of The Light. However, the Dark Beings and their presence is masked in a negative environment. The Earth has a negative environment at present. The Dark will always be driven away, expelled and flee from the Light, when it is directed at them by Positive Man.
"The Dark also have spacecraft. They travel in space the same as Positive Man. However Positive Man has established reserved areas of space for their use."
Identifying a Spaceship of the Light Forces versus that of a the Dark Forces:
"Positive Man will always identify himself and broadcast thoughts of Light and goodwill. You will know, deep within yourself, that this is a Being of Light.
"A member of the Dark Forces will not identify satisfactory manner and his radiation of negativity is easy to detect. He will flee if one directs the Light at him.
"Never approach a spaceship until you are sure that is it of the Light. And always use the Light in your greeting and approach. A Positive Man will welcome it. A Being of the Dark will remove himself from a greeting in The Light."
* * * * * * * * *
Several years ago I released a series of articles covering my first telepathic encounter with Captain Avalon. In this material a brief discourse was concerned with the Dark Forces of Space:
"Please discuss the Alien UFO Forces (Dark Forces)."
"There are the Dark Forces. There are those who are evil in their intent. We have had close surveillance of them in the past. Most of them have now been removed from this area through the 'Guardian Action Mission'; a few still remain in Earth's atmosphere. This has been the nature of our work likewise in this Sector. We are Heaven's policemen. We are the watchmen on the walls. We are the Guardian Action. We guard and protect, even as your patrol cars patrol your city streets in the darkness. This we do, constantly on the alert for any ships of the Dark Forces."
"Captain, what is the insignia on the Ships of the Dark Forces?"
"There are several, but the most active are the Deros from Inner Space. Their insignias are always painted in black, whatever they might be. Certain forces of six planets of Orion, that have conducted themselves against the Injunctions of the Interplanetary Council, are cordoned off, and are well under control. We have been working on this situation for centuries, but we do now have them under control and they do not reckon in any problems that might be in Earth's future. It was very important for Earth that removal was completed before other major occurrences begin.
* * * * * * * * *
I choose to share with you some wise words from Jacques Drabier:
Is there Evil?
"Many people seem to be convinced that there is no such thing as evil. It seems this reasoning goes along with the idea that God and Satan is a myth.
"Anything which deliberately hurts and hinders another individual is evil, and when it is willfully and maliciously designed to do so, it is even MORE evil. The Galactic Federation surrounds and defends Earth as much as possible, from the invading ships of the Dark. But it cannot control the minds of the individuals who are easily led to believe that all spacecraft occupants are godlike and good. There are good and evil, and the trick is to know the difference and to form association only with those who desire and are capable of making life on Earth better through their own positive understanding.
* * * * * * * * *
In her book 'Inner Views from The Galactic Command', Bonnie Ireland records a Message from Captain Tonanias of that Command, which gives further insight concerning the Dark Forces:
"There are those in the Universe who are not as friendly as we. They do not belong to the Universal Brotherhood of Light and only want to destroy and rule. They are small in number, but when they put forth an effort, their strength can be mighty.
"We have been able, through Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy and the Great White Brotherhood, to act as intermediaries in your defense. It has been a rather strange situation, as we have sometimes been regarded as your enemies and not your protectors.
"How, then, would you know us? How would you distinguish us from your enemies?
Always in the Higher Forces, the main forms are spheres or circles. If a ship is not a sphere, is either elongated, or of a conical shape or has some protruding facets attached to it, this can be of a devious nature.
"Please note: We say, can be. There are some ships from very distant universes which are of a different shape other than a true sphere, but who have nevertheless come here in your defense. So here again, you must use another method of determining who is friend or foe. That method is through sensing vibrations.
"In this respect it is most important that those who understand start to concentrate on their feelings through sensing the vibrations which emanate from another. Learn to understand these feelings and abide by them. The Negative Forces naturally let off dark, negative rays, which can be felt as a heavy, depressing feeling by the Human form, which also creates a feeling of fear or impending doom. If this happens, please learn to back off from this force as quickly as possible and ask for help. Here again, we use a form of mental telepathy. If you can learn to use the mind-to-mind method now, it will come in great usefulness for you later on, and might even save your life. Here we might say that if you have already created a channel with us, there will be no problem with communication in the future.
"If and when you call on us for help, we will communicate with you immediately and put a force field of protection around you until such time as your adversary is quelled and forced to disappear until we can transport you out of their reach into another area."
Chapter 11: Messages Applicable Individually
In the Messages of Ashtar that have gone before, we can appreciate the continuity of his message, the burden of his heart for Humanity, that has basically never changed regardless of the identity of his Messenger. His concern for the freedom of Mankind, his Universal statesmanship and Intergalactic diplomacy in the cause of Universal Peace flows through every contact.
first of the following Messages is a hitherto unpublished message from Commander Ashtar received a few years ago:
The Greatest Freedom of All.
In the beginning of the contact of the Brothers from other worlds, there was great despair. Conditions upon your Planet left little cause for rejoicing. Souls on Earth had lowered their vibrations so far beneath the original plan ordained for them by the Great Lord, that their activities brought only sorrow to those who came to help.
With the passing of time and cycles, there was a continual infiltration of the men and women from other worlds who came into the fleshly form and walked the Earth for the purpose of lifting its vibrations. This action of the Divine Plan lasted for many thousands and thousands of years, and continued expanding from time to time through many cultures and civilizations.
As one studies the past history of Mankind upon the Planet and learns of the individuals who played so prominent a place in that history, one is able to discern the identities of the Light Beings. The advancements they brought, the enlightenment they shared, the inventiveness, the expertise, the inheritance they left upon the Planet in every field of Human endeavor, speaks plainly of the origin of these great mentors and benefactors of Humanity. Thus the upliftment went on.
There were those who had come to offer their great abilities and wisdom, who were contacted on inner levels by those of other worlds. Often they were not aware of the source of their contact, or its nature or the manner of its transmission or reception. They would accept the messages to be the voice of God and the guidance of God. But even then, so very long ago, there were those who were aware of these things and could look upon those who spoke with them, and behold their countenance and perceive their appearance, and know that One from a Higher Realm spoke with them and stood beside them. Since the dawn of time, there have ever been those souls incarnate who could consciously enter into fellowship and exchange of thought with the 'Watchers of the Planet'. World scriptures are filled with these incidents - perhaps the most memorable being that moment in the Garden, when the Master Jesus was seen in conversation with two members of the Higher Realms. Thus Light has penetrated, Light has expanded, Light has lifted the world in which you live.
Nevertheless, there ever remain those who choose the darkness; those who refuse the Light; those who willfully will not enter a better way or present themselves that they might become enlightened and open to the things of Spirit and the things of Outer Space. We may not intrude upon their choices when the Human Will has so decided. For on the Earth, there exists the right of freedom of choice and the exercise of freedom of will. The other Worlds of Light do not have this arrangement. It is unnecessary, for all hearts are in harmony with Light and the Will of God and the Knowledge of God. No policing is necessary, and there is no need of this freedom of will in other higher worlds, for all choose that which is best. All are so captivated by the Love of God and the Presence of His Spirit, that they automatically do that which is the good and choose that which is the best, and walk in Light.
Those who have totally surrendered their lives and their Will into the hands of the Loving Father, have themselves moved beyond a point where freedom of will is the guidance of their lives. For even though they remain incarnate upon your Planet, they have advanced to that spiritual standard wherein their every desire and their every choice, their every decision is in harmony with the mind of God. When a soul has attained this stature, then no longer does the Law of Freedom of Will apply, when every act, every word and every thought is in harmony with the Universe. There is no freedom that can compare with the freedom to do, and to be that which is in harmony with all of Life and all of Divine Mind throughout Infinity.
I have desired to share these thoughts with all. I am Ashtar."
* * * * * * * * *
From the channeling of an earlier Contactee, Marian Hartill, in 1968, Ashtar spoke on Love:
"I wish to speak to you this day concerning the act of meditation. We have asked you whom we serve to spend at least one hour a day to send out thoughts of love to help us in balancing the negation we must constantly overcome in our work.
We see among you a great conflict as to how to go about this without the guilt of taking time from 'things that really need doing.'
"The secret of sending out love and light is in remembering what love feels like. Sit back and remember being in love; you have those feelings all within you. Go back in time if need be, and pick up those emotions of being so enraptured by another being that you floated on a cloud of pure happiness when you could spend hours upon hours just enjoying the feel of being needed, cherished and adored by that love in your life.
"The sad truth is that most of you have forgotten how to feel love and send it out from yourselves to others. This is an illness of your time, a result of overemphasis on sex as the total end - or that which should satisfy every need.
"How much you miss in not practicing the act of receiving love - not only in what we wish to send you, but from others around you because you feel you must read the paper, turn on the radio or television. In doing this you dull the sensitive receptive centers of your being to the vibrations of love that are around you..
"It is you who have dulled your minds and hearts to the vibrations of we who seek desperately to aid you by refining your emotions and teaching you once more to feel.
"If we asked a person who was truly in love to meditate, and send out love to that loved one, they would laugh and say, 'He's a song in my heart; I sing it day and night. I'm never alone because I feel his (her) love around me.'
"Go back and remember how it feels to love, and then you will see what it is we need and it will not be a chore, but just a Love Song sung by hearts that yearn to know truth, freedom, and a oneness with their God-self. I am Ashtar.
* * * * * * * * *
In loving consideration, Ashtar has discussed balance in the life of a disciple:
"The pacing of time in the life of a disciple is important in accomplishing all that must be done for the Light in the shortness of time that remains. Multitudes of voices call and lure the inspired one away from their best avenue of expression. Pleasure and pursuits of a secular nature are ever present to detour the dedicated Light worker from the task. But those who have traveled far along the Pathway have come to recognize all such interference and are not thus distracted.
"However, I do stress the necessity of a time of coming apart to rest awhile, as taught by the Beloved, as very necessary. The great Masters of the delicate concert instruments lovingly release the strings of their treasured instruments and allow them a time of loosening the tautness and the tightness and give them a rest, that their instrument will be all the more prepared to serve when the next appointment comes. There must likewise be space in the life of the most ardent devotee for relaxation of the pressures and the pull of great responsibilities. There must be a time of infilling the Divine energies. Do not deny yourselves moments of withdrawal into peace, for when you return, the battle will still be there to be fought and won."
* * * * * * * * *
This unpublished message on the Dominions of Heaven was given for the 'Master Symbol of the Solar Cross' book. It is worth repeating here:
Divine Order in Heaven
The levels, or Planes of Heaven as they are sometimes called - and incorrectly so - in reality refer to the Dominions or levels of Hierarchy that are the Divine Government in any Hierarchal System. A Hierarchal System refers to a Galaxy of Worlds within the Solar Systems of that Galaxy. There are Dominions and Principalities and levels of Spiritual Status within each plateau of authority within each Galaxy. The same applies, however higher in the Interstellar structure of Worlds as one rises. There is always Divine Order and Divine Dimensions thereof.
Greatness is not the distinction, but Ascension in spiritual stature, abilities and accomplishments represented by the many Initiations.
The location of the Central Government of each Dimension or Plane is likewise the location of that Central Sun, or Government. The dimension or rank within the Dominions always represents the attainment of those within it.
In your world, those who have attained that right to represent the rest of the people through having come through many initiations, so to speak, to reach that privilege, are all gathered together at your seat of government in your Capitol. Likewise on lesser levels, or State and County levels, lesser dominions preside, yet the lesser is a part of the higher and the higher is a part of the lesser, for all is American government.
The Great Central Sun is the seat or location of the Divine Government, or Principalities and Dominions of this Galaxy, representing there the highest dimension, just as within each separate Solar System there is Divine Order representing dominion or government for that Solar System as well as those who represent dominion for a planetary level or body. Just as your Earthean countryside is represented as City, County, State, National and International governing bodies, so the Universe is likewise one of order in its dominion. And those Dominions are that which, in the past, because of lack of Understanding and Knowledge were referred to as Levels or Planes of Heaven. Each division of order represents high frequencies of attainment (i.e., responsibility - for the greater the attainment, the greater the responsibility). Thus, souls do progress from one Planet to another, one Solar System to another, one Galaxy to another in the progression of attainment.
Thus you see the names, as such, of levels and planes is irrelevant, for at each point of location of order on any level of dimension or dominion, there are Twelve Levels or Initiations to be attained, with twelve lessons within each Initiation. All persons on one certain planet may not all be striving toward the same attainment. You may be progressing within the steps of the Tenth Initiation, while your neighbor down the street may be just entering the Second Lesson of the First Initiation. Yet both of you have chosen to enter these Initiations on the Earth dominion (I speak not now of volunteer assignments, who are basically Teachers of the Initiates).
This subject is not as complex as at first it appears. All one needs to realize is that there is Divine Order in all things - as above, so below.
* * * * * * * * *
At one time in the past, I had asked Ashtar to discuss the Human forcefield, and he replied:
"The magnetics of the Human aura are a forcefield. The heart is the central atom around which neutrons, cells and electrons gravitate. Blood goes out from the heart, makes its circle and returns again, enabling the physical form to give off energy in frame-work as force. Force continues in an ovoid shape which you call the auric field, but it is more than that. This force represents a magnetism to other magnetic force of like frequency. So like attracts like, it is said. Now, when the field is of high frequency, color disappears into white Light. When the Human orbit or magnetic field is white light, we then say that one has transmuted the physical form of density to a Light body. This Light body or forcefield is that which makes contact and exposure to our magnetic field possible. You would suffer no discomfort in our presence. The forcefield of Light pulls and is pulled ever higher. Your constant exposure to our frequencies greatly infuses your own with higher frequencies."
"While within our great Mother Ship of my own Command Fleet and hosted by our staff, you will be subjected to many different kinds of experiences designed to correlate your Physical with your spiritual attainment. The Physical form will take on great beauty and an essence of Light will radiate to those with eyes to see. The entire being will become changed into that which you once were, yet when you return those who know you not will simply continue to see that outward appearance. But spiritually aware persons will see the difference in the eyes, the magnetism and the glow of the person, and the radiance of the countenance."
I asked if this change would take place within all who attended?
"Yes, but with some who have not started this process at all, the workings will only have begun, so the immediate change will not be so noticeable as with those in whom the process began some time ago. Those who are just beginning will sense youthful energy so that they feel exhilarated; with others, it will be completed. Minds also will be quickened by the rays in which you will sit, and the Emotional Body will be brought under total control and instructions and directives given. Youthfulness of action and appearance accompanies the presence of the Light Body. Generally speaking, those who know not your inner qualities will see your appearance the same, yet there will be that different quality about you somehow. They will say you're 'looking good,' and that sort of thing. But to those spiritually aware of your Light, you will appear much younger, youthful of energy and movement. The presence of Light itself within the Physical form tends to rejuvenate and reactivate all the cells of the body; thus, no illness can enter this teeming life action, and the energy that enters find no impediments to its flow. Therefore, the change into the Light Body brings these outward changes as a result of the inner workings of the Light. It is a natural as well as scientific action, actually. In the completion of this action one has desire for a lesser quantity of food and tends toward drinking of more liquids.
* * * * * * * * *
Through his very fine channel, Mrs. E.P. Hill, Ashtar promised us:
"Once you have contacted these currents of Cosmic Energy penetrating with ever-increasing potency the finer, Etheric Life Force all about you, no heavy, clogging Earth vibrations can hold you in thralldom to disease of body, mind or spirit.
"Until the Day of the Great Illumination, there will unavoidably be a struggle to attain and maintain at all times content and perfect attunement with this Divine Source of Life and Love Triumphant! Yet, herein does lie your freedom from the fretting exigencies arising from incessant friction twixt the fast receding customs and systems of a decadent and expiring Age and that glorious New Age of unexplored marvels along every line of constructive and progressive effort."
* * * * * * * * *
Through White Star is given this communiqué by the Ashtar Command, titled "Emotional Stability in a Crisis":
"There are factors concerning our operations in the future that will necessitate a greater awareness on your part of the methods used by our Forces. Our Beam sent forth to those who are receptive and have been prepared, can only be effective when the recipient is emotionally stable, and for this reason a program was given to you so that you would consciously work on this factor.
"You will note in all cases of calamity there are those who panic and there are those who advance with precisive action. The latter are those who are powered by forces that rush forth adding great power of direction and fortitude to the one so stabilized as to be a direct focus for the God-sent Ambassadors to utilize.
"Remember, in all cases of seeming miracle, there have appeared what Man has recorded as 'Super-natural' forces. 'Supernatural' forces do not exist, but only natural forces that appear so to the limited concept of Earth Man. Man of Earth has turned his ear and his senses from the natural and has limited h is abi1ities by so doing. Isolating himself from the Source of Life, he has developed a consciousness of self that renders him senseless to the Angel Force that overshadows, and consequently defenseless in the face of violent Nature Forces.
"Man's animal sense1eads him in to traps that his Angel Sense would cause him to avoid. The objective mind can deduce only by outer observation, which is limited to the senses of sight, sound, smell and touch. When chaotic conditions exist in the outer, these senses are not dependable, as only turmoil is registered. The instinctive sense responds and flight or rigid panic are the result, while the one who knows stability flows with the condition; moves with the surety of Divine Direction.
"The destruction of Human forms in the face of Nature's rampages can be greatly curtailed by stability of action. A whole flock can be saved by the intelligent action of one shepherd. One shepherd under Divine Direction can lead masses to safety. One man so attuned to his Angelic Nature can be a Saviour to many.
We can and do work directly through those who are capable of our assistance. We have trained thousands for Stations of Direct Contact Control. Meaning that in a moment of emergency they become immediate 'machines' for the Higher Forces. - The Ashtar Command."
Chapter 12: Messages to World Servers
The following discourse was found in an old file of a Child of Light who long ago translated to higher realms. This transcription was received in 1955 by a group where Elouise Moeller was channeling Ashtar. Elouise was the compiler of the lessons from Venus called simply "The Science of Living." The transcript for the evening follows:
"Since the success of my contacts with our brethren of Earth has been brought about in interstellar space, in other solar systems beyond this of which Earth is a part, many more have become interested in our Mission, and we have a tremendous number of Light Bearers who are willing to give of themselves in their service to our brethren of Earth.
"I knew you would be glad to hear this, for it assures the success of the plan which was formulated a number of years ago when we drew near to this troubled planet and heard the calls for help from the hearts of many of your Earth brethren.
"They called to God. They called to Allah. They called to their various Gods and Goddesses in whatever language they would speak their names, and we heard.
"We were called into this service by the Father of us all. The great Angels which I contact have long had their link with you of Earth, but there did not seem to be the change in the direction of Human thought that had been hoped for and therefore, when the call became stronger, we, too, were invited in to take part in this, and this is the call for which we have long waited.
We knew it would one day come. We did not know how it would come about, but for many centuries we have watched the Earth planet for the appearance of the 'Lighted Landing Fields' such as this consecrated home in which we of outer space are meeting with you of Earth. The high Light-bearing Angels of God are also taking part in this evening's hour.
"They bring a special power. We bring a special power, and you who are endeavoring to live a life of right, are also giving forth a special power. This three-way consecrated power is being used as a great motive power over which at this moment tremendous waves of Light-bearing atoms are being propelled through the ethers of Earth and certain devastated regions of Earth which we hope you will remember in prayer at the conclusion of what we have to say tonight. Certain devastated regions are being held especially in the Light.
"When we see that a certain level of receptivity has been reached, we can give a more definite work to you.
"Questions have been asked why there are not more of the Space Ships seen in the skies. We would like to answer that by saying that they are there. It is not necessary for them to be seen in such great numbers at this time for the work. The learning that was occasioned by the sight of our brethren of Earth beholding these shining vessels of love and service to you of Earth in the skies has served its purpose, and they are now on other missions. However, the time will come when great fleets of them, vast armadas, will be seen in the skies, and that will tell you who are drawn so close to our hearts that another phase of our work has begun. At that time we expect the conditions to be propitious for the taking of those who are inwardly prepared on shorter or longer journeys. We know you are all longing for this. We hesitate ever to cause disappointment in any heart, and yet we must say that in some cases, the physical body could not take such a flight.
"It must be a body in perfect physical health, in a certain type of spiritual attunement, in a certain degree of soul evolvement and in a state of mental alertness and readiness. We are doing all in our power to prepare as many of our brethren for this as is possible, but we cannot at this moment say who shall or who shall not be the first to have the privilege. But we can say this to you: as days and weeks and years go on and certain conditions are changed in the atmosphere of the Earth which will naturally repercuss on the bodies of our Earth brethren and in the emotional bodies and in the minds of our brethren, that naturally much of what may have now precluded you will be overcome and others who could not at this moment be taken would at a later time be ready for the journey.
"I find that by the question and answer method we are able to bring to you much that we might otherwise overlook, so now I open the hour for your questions, my brethren.
Question: "When you spoke of the healing that will take place that will prepare people to go on these Space Ships, does that mean when the Dark Forces are overcome, or will there naturally be more harmony on Earth?"
Ashtar: "There will naturally be much more of a harmonious condition on the planet when the testing forces are no longer needed in the measure that they are now on Earth. My particular reference was, however, to the physical ills and ailments that afflict so many: what you call 'heart trouble' or 'hardening of the arteries,' or those conditions which would preclude your being taken on a journey which would cause you excitement. Would not that be a natural thing to feel a little bit afraid about it? And therefore, those conditions would naturally preclude the sufferers, and unfortunately, there are all too many who suffer from these conditions, and many of them are spiritually attuned. One of the great purposes of these groups is to bring healing power. There are great healers linked to us in the Solar System and there are great healers linked with you from the Spiritual Realms - the realms of a different substance from ours - the rather solid planets like your Earth upon which we have our Mental Bodies. They are tangible and that also can know disso1ution, as your Earth bodies, when we choose to lay them down.
"This healing comes not only into the Physical Body, but it comes into the emotions of the Human mind, for there are divisions that need to be healed. When the complete healing has come into the mind and into the Emotional Body of our Earth brethren, there will be no longer concepts between the races. That is one of the important factors we have come to heal - the sense of division, of separateness from other races and nations and other ideologies that are in the consciousness in all too prevalent a form.
"These schisms - these divisions - are, in part, causing some of the physical ailments that afflict the body and the minds of our brethren. When all is in full and complete brotherhood - in full and complete recognition of the oneness of all - when allegiance is given to the One Great Source of All, much will then fade into the limbo of forgotten things.
"This is a portion of the healing that we would bring into these groups. As you become healed of these divisions in consciousness and thought, and we know you who are here are willing to be healed, and there must first be that willingness before we can step into that work. For you know that you are Creators in God and have complete free will, and we recognize that free will. But when the time has come and you have been completely willing to be lifted into that high consciousness of absolute Oneness, which some of you think you have, but very few of you have in reality, then there will come the time when you will find in your midst your brothers of different colors and different races, and we will be able to do work of a higher texture among you.
"When this amalgamation has taken place in consciousness, and not only in consciousness, you will know when it has preceded fully into your consciousness by the effect. By that time you will see the members of the different races among you in groups like this. They will feel the way is open. They will be drawn to you and there will be those of a spiritual caliber like yourselves.
"When that time comes you will be much more ready to receive us who are also of a different order of beings, and yet completely one with you in consciousness.
"We have proven it by coming to you. When the consciousness has opened to the point when you can come to us, then we can appear to you as we are.
"Is there another question?"
Question: "When this healing force takes place on Earth as it should be, will the medical profession accept it?"
Ashtar: "The medical profession will be in the midst of it. They cannot help but accept it. There are many in the medical profession who are calling for help, and as these scientists in medicine accept and utilize this which we bring, others will follow in their tracks, and so, the medical profession is also being lifted in consciousness. There are those in the medical profession who would feel perfectly at home here with us. Try to seek them out. The way will be open for them to come. They will become the pioneers."
Question: "Those who have transcended the Earth concept of the Guardians of our Planet and who have aspirations to work with and cooperate with them but by chance they are taken away from the Earth plane before that is realized - what is their condition in the After-death Life?"
Ashtar: "My brother, they come straight to us, if they are fully prepared. There is one whom our channel knows who is known as Marcus, who was taken out of his Earth body very suddenly. I stood there to receive his soul. He did not even know he had passed from the Earth plane by the impact of the two automobiles. He is working on SCHARE. He has one of my Earth Stations in his care and he was in complete control of the work being done. He was very close in relationship to the ones who care for my beloved amanuensis in Colville, and he came directly to these realms and is working with me, Ashtar, and with others who compose the combination of my closest coworkers.
"Then there is one whom some of you know as 'C. N.' He left his Earth form about twenty years ago. C. N. was working on some means of communication between the Realms of Spirit and Earth. I became aware of his ideas, which were in uniformity with my own. The contact was made and he was what you would call a discarnate soul. He is working most closely with me in the work which we are doing from Venus. Does that answer the question? Nothing is lost. Not one whit of preparation that you make here to link with us is lost. It is all utilized by the Father who is inspiring you to do that."
Question: "What are we to understand by this Atomic force - is it for good or evil?"
Ashtar: "Oh, my brother, it is for great good. We utilize that force in our homes; we open our doors by that force; we light our lights by that force; we use that force in our gardens to turn on whenever there needs to be irrigation to bring forth beautiful flowers and shrubs. We use it in a million ways, for it is a great inner cosmic force which has much power in it. The force which is of danger is the Hydrogen force. The Atomic force is of an inert nature. The Hydrogen force is a living force and no man on Earth can say where that would end in its extent of destruction.
"For that reason we have used every power at our command to reach through to the hearts and minds of all those who are in control of these forces of destruction, and we are succeeding. I think you all know why he asked that question."
Question: "There is one man who claims he has been on a Space Ship and has written a book regarding same, who has a completely different method than the other persons who have claimed this. Is there such a person who is working with the Dark Forces?"
Ashtar: "As we come to the Earth planet, we come to bless and not to destroy. When we come, the testing forces are also released. When our Channel asked us the same question you now asked, we said this to her, and we will say no more, for you must learn by your own innermost intelligence that tells you the truth - which is the truth and which may be the truth in another form. I said to this Channel, Venus is a large planet. There may be a section of the planet on which such things exist as the young man speaks of, for there are many countries on Venus as there are countries on Earth, and things exist on one part of your Earth planet that do not exist on another part. I leave the subject for your meditation."
Question: "The question has been asked among our group a number of times about Venusians' method of obtaining their needs. In one of the books the author speaks of the Space Ships being supplied with enough food for three months. The question is, are these provisions obtained through alchemy, or are they produced through methods such as we know on Earth?"
Ashtar: "Both methods are employed. We have on Venus very great alchemists. I am speaking not only for my brothers of Venus, but also for my brothers of other solar systems. I do not speak only of Venus when I speak. There are various methods of producing the provisions which are essential on these rather lengthy journeys of the great ships of space, and they are sometimes placed in condensed form. You see, we do not regard food quite as you regard it. We do not eat food solely for the pleasure, as you do. We know what is essential for the retention of that state of health in our bodies, and we partake of the great amount of chemicals and other elements and minerals which are essential to keep our bodies in their perfect shape. Our bodies are of a more Etheric nature than yours. They need much less than yours, and so, what would seem enough for two months on Earth would take only a fraction of space with us.
"Speaking of foods, I inspired this one to place in readiness, what is called a 'pendulum.' She will show you the use of the pendulum to test those foods which have energy for you now and those foods which would best be left aside, which will best retain this higher power, this more subtle energy which we bring when we come. You do understand that, and that therefore it is at least necessary to make gradually certain changes in your habits of food and drink intake.
"You will find it quite interesting, those of you who have not seen the work of the pendulum."
Question: "Does a person have to have any special psychic gift in order to wield the pendulum or could it respond to anyone?"
Ashtar: "Anyone who is in close attunement with their Guardian Spirit can wield the pendulum. It may take a brief time for attunement, but this particular person simply picks it up and asks the question and it begins right away. It is quite simple. You will find it quite accurate and dependable. It is used in many ways, but if you begin with the food testing, the other ways will open to you."
Question: "There is one thing I would like to clear up. I doubt if Ashtar will be willing to do that, for in his talks I have noticed that he refrains from giving any statement which would reflect against any particular individual, but the question I would like to ask, and it is more for guidance, is this: It is said that sometimes people who claim to be giving information from Representatives of the Celestial World do it in the dark, while most of us feel that they should give it in the light."
Ashtar: "There are many means of contact being made by us. The dark is also good. In the darkness of the earth a seed is placed, and out of it, in time, two little tender shoots come forth into the light, so we never criticize and we never condemn. We ask you to weigh it. See if you can find a good in that which is done."
Question: "In one of the books we read recently a Venusian lady was answering questions in which she said that Venusian babies grow up and mature in a period of what we would call two or three years."
Ashtar: "Our evolution and birth cycle is not like yours of Earth. You will learn when you come up here. You will remember more of what is given you when you become more of the texture of that which is given you here. Then it will be retained in the consciousness when you return into your Human habitation."
Question: "Do you require sleep?"
Answer: "Oh, yes, we sleep and we rest. We do not permit ourselves to become tense, as you of Earth do. We accomplish many things. We, of course, have been blessed by the gift of what you would call 'telepathy,' and what you would call 'projection'; therefore, we can cover greater distances in much less time, but the first secret we had to learn and the first secret you will have to learn is to remain perfectly relaxed."
Question: "There are a number of people who are conscious of a memory of having visited space ships. Is that for any purpose?"
Ashtar: "There is always a purpose in what we do.
Question: "At the close of physical life on your Planet when people have fulfilled their mission, I have heard it said they do not die as we do on Earth."
Ashtar: "We voluntarily lay aside the mortal form when we know we are ready to take on another evolution. There are evolutions which you of Earth are not aware of and which it is not wise for us to bring to your consciousness at this time. It would only cause confusion. You have been taken a long way in consciousness - farther than you yourselves realize - but one day it will become clear to you. You of Earth will come to that time when you will voluntarily lay down your physical vehicle."
Question: "We have heard so much about the recent catastrophe on our Eastern shores and the question has come up as to whether we should stock our cupboards with food. I understand the Mormons are doing that."
Ashtar: "If you will have the concept in your consciousness that whatever food supplies you have are not for yourself, but for your Brethren then you will be inspired at the right time to know what to do."
* * * * * * * * *
"A Message of 'Encouragement' from Ashtar through Tuella:
"We come to you in the vibration of Love and Light, sent forth from the Upper Heavens to penetrate the atmosphere of Earth and reach the hearts of all Mankind. We enfold the Planet with the power of Love and blend into its very layers an annointing of peace and goodwill. We carry away the offcast thoughts of darkness that would destroy your world if left unchecked. We intervene with our own magnetic rays and beams of Greater Light to keep the balance for further decades. White Light is enfolded around and around your world in an essence of purification that will bring the blessings of God upon all Nations. Wherever there is a hostile approach to the solution of world problems, our Greater Light will assist to dissolve that hostility and maintain peace. Factions of baser intent are gradually deteriorating and being replaced by understanding and goodwill. Peace will come, and the lesser infiltrations of the Dark Ones will be overcome. Yield not to weariness of spirit, but continue to watch for our coming and the fulfillment of all the dreams and hopes of Humanity for a better world. It will come. Give no place to discouragement in your task. The waters of Life shall flow upon every barren place, and every thirst shall be quenched.
"With victory so very near, do not give up in the battle for the Legions of Light, but carryon in full confidence that the day shall come when war shall be gone forever. From this abyss of seeming hopelessness, a new dawn shall come and a sunrise of Love and a new life shall fill this land. Obtain the promises and hold steady in your battle for the Righteousness. Soon these days shall pass, and you shall stand in the beauty of your inheritance. Ashtar has spoken these words."
* * * * * * * * *
Appointments with busy Commander Ashtar are few and far between. They are scheduled at specific times and days near the Full Moon period. However, on special occasions he does, nevertheless, project to me as he chooses. One of those surprise times came during a routine daily meditation:
"Ashtar speaking. I have with me here, at this source of contact, one formerly known to your world as George van Tassel, who will speak to you now."
"Good afternoon, Tuella. I shall refer to myself as George van Tassel, though I am here known by another name. Perhaps in due time this, too, shall be shared with you. I, too, revere and respect the words of that noble first message given to me on his first occasion of addressing our Planet directly. That was an honor Ashtar allotted to me, for which I shall always be humbled.
"Since coming, or rather, returning here to 'home base,' it has been a rejuvenating time of blessed constant activity for the good of the Light, especially for the Planet Earth. I was immediately taken into fellowship with the Great Masters of the Council of which I wrote, and allowed to enter into all of its activities and discussions. This activity still continues. This request by Ashtar to speak with you, as his messenger, is a privilege also, which I hasten to fulfill.
"In the coming events upon this Planet, there will be a tremendous need of increased communication and contact with the Lords of the higher dimensions. There must now begin upon the Planet an attitude of unity and oneness in the great overall communications system between all worlds. There must be in evidence that loving attitude of a desire to share with all, whatever communications are sent, with all others who will receive them. There must be interdimensional exchange such as there has never been before. Those selfish souls who will not enter this exchange for petty and Human reasons, will be called upon to answer before the Lords of Karma for their hindering attitudes of lower self in control of their deeds. We can no longer tolerate a resistance movement within the ranks of Light Workers on Earth. Those who resist the coming dawn will become lost on their own wilful pathways. Human differences, Human opinions, and Human emotional walls must fall before the invading avalanche of God 's White Light as it now pours into the vacuum of divisions. New-Agers and UFO enthusiasts must blend their energies in an invincible front of force and work together in love for the Great Divine Program of which Ashtar speaks. With the enemy of Mankind even at your very doors, this is not the time to be dawdling amongst yourselves and selfishly building your own little kingdoms. The Earth faces oblivion while self-centered souls hide their fruits under a bushel bearing their name. There must be inaugurated Centers for the dispersion of all information, and a melting pot for dispersement of all major Messages from the Space Intelligences. The world is in need of these Extraterrestrial communiqués to prepare for the corning transition from the Old in to the New. Sharing all that you have with one another is decidedly the order of the day for the workers of Light. Let the world look upon your united efforts and see that you are disciples indeed. The world has enough of slanderous attacks, disunity, bigotry and personal pride. It waits to see something better in the World Servers.
The Confederation, as well as the Federation and the larger Alliance, continuously looks for those units of service which are open in interaction with their fellow brothers and sisters, who envision in terms of the whole, and not certain parts, but rather, flow with one another, aware of their part and portion in an overall program. When these are found, they are immediately blessed and expanded in all of their outreach by the Council and scheduled for greater responsibilities in the time that remains.
"May the love of the Christ within us all flow like a river throughout all of the land to water the parched ground and prepare for the Harvest that awaits. I bid you good day, from one who was George van Tassel.
* * * * * * * * *
In May of 1983 it was my great privilege to have enjoyed one of the finest conferences we have ever undertaken. The vibration of Love was at a high pitch frequency; freedom of the Spirit relaxed and beautifully touched the crowd of over two hundred persons who filled the auditorium. The following blessing was sent to all of them. A young man approached me just before the afternoon session and asked me to accept a message he had received from Ashtar two hours earlier, with the Commander's request that it be read to the Audience. I hastened to agree to this, and the following call was directed to each soul present:
"Beloved sons and daughters of the Most High, we give thanks this day that you have come here to Tyler as was planned beforehand. We give thanks to the Father for making all of this possible. We, the brothers of the Ashtar Command, salute you for your love of duty and commitment to the Cause of Freedom for this Planet and the Solar System. I am Ashtar, your brother and lecturer this hour, and I come in the name of the Brotherhood to give you your missions.
"Oh sons and daughters of the Most High, rejoice, for your hour of duty to the perfection of the Cosmos is at hand. Arise to the blessings being granted you this day; arise to the responsibilities of your commitments. Each and everyone of you present here at this lecture has volunteered for the coming assignments which will very shortly manifest into your consciousness. Prepare yourselves by keeping in constant tune with your Godselves at every moment of life. Prepare yourselves to raise your individual energies so that the energies may manifest through. Prepare yourselves by keeping your minds attuned only to the pure perfection of God in all things. These things you should now all consider for your individual energies are all important to those commitments of Love to your Brothers for which you have volunteered.
"I, Ashtar, Commander of the Galactic Fleets now patrolling your skies, do now release to you, our Brothers and Sisters of Light, in the name of the Most Glorious Son of Our Father, Jesus the Christ, the blessings and energies of beloved Helios and Vesta of your Sun, at this hour.
"I release to you now in the name of the Master Kuthumi, the wisdom necessary to find the means for accomplishing your duties.
"I release to you all now the energies of the Power of the Father through the Messenger Archangel Michael and His Legions of Blue Flaming Angels.
"I do release to you now in the name of Master Hilarion, the energy of the Ray of Truth, so that you all may know the Truth of Perfection at all times in these next years.
"I, Ashtar, now release to this group in the name of the Ashtar Command's volunteers of Light from all the Systems in God's Heavens, the Light, Love, and Life of Perfection to release the triggering mechanisms within each and everyone of your souls so that you individually will come to know very shortly your duties to the Father. I, Commander Ashtar, do, at this appointed hour, now release the above God Energies by the power granted to me by My Lord, Esu, in His Father's name, to each and every one of you worthy of this now! Be it known, Oh Sons and Daughters of our Father, that you have been blessed this moment with Grace of Our Lord to accomplish what will be requested of you soon.
"In the name of the Space Brotherhood, we thank you all now for your devotion to the cause of Freedom for this Earth and this system. We, your brothers, do now salute you all in the name of this cause of Our Most High Source of Perfection for this system. We overshadow you all from this moment onward and do give you all now the prayer that will call those special energies you will all need for your tasks:
I" (name in full) do now by the Authority of the Ashtar Commission for this Earth Command in the name of Esu that the necessary energies be released to me now for the accomplishment of my Mission. This I call forth now in the name of the Cause, Glory, Effort and Perfection of the Father right here and now. So be it. It is done in the name of Jesus" Lord of the Earth.
"Use this call to your Space Brothers whenever you are in need of help, and our protection will at once overshadow you.
"In the Love/Light of the Lord, I do now send forth to you all, my gratitude for your service to the Almighty.
"Go forth now this day with the Energies of Perfection as your shields of power. I am your brother and servant in the Lord, Ashtar, Commander of the Fleets of Heaven."
* * * * * * * * *< br>
The messages from the previous Ashtar Command Book: 'Project: World Evacuation' were exhilarating to all of us. For the record, we repeat again a few excerpts from the volume that unveiled the concept of Space Craft gatherings, for sessions of briefing and training of Earth-based volunteers, here using only the Messages from Ashtar:
"We desire to speak to our people. We desire to speak to the Elect of God who have chosen and been chosen to come as Volunteers from out of our midst to walk the Earth, to endure the darkness and the challenges and the problems, yea, the temptations; yet to stand and be ready when our call comes to them. As Commander, it is my desire to speak to all of these throughout this hemisphere, as messengers, as teachers, as guidance counselors, as channels of Light and beams of the Love of God to the planet. We have need now to lift you into our presence for a brief moment of time for purposes of special training and many other matters which cannot be handled in any other way. These gatherings shall not be simultaneous throughout the globe, but shall take place in seven various sectors, one at a time. We cannot dispense our forces efficiently by having all of you at once. Therefore, we shall undertake this Program in units, by areas, as we have organized other programs in the past.
"We are bringing together those of high Leadership status whose responsibilities are far-reaching, and of such a nature that special instructions and training must be given if they are to fulfill their portion of the Mission. These have long been in accord with us on inner levels and have spent much time in coordinating necessary discussions relating to their missions while out of body in their night visits with our Councils. All of these have sat in on our Council meetings while their bodies have slept. Each of you who are to be lifted up in this special gathering have all participated in Intergalactic and Interplanetary Council Meetings and listened to preparedness programs. This meeting, in our presence will take place upon a conscious level. You will retain your full consciousness at every moment and at all times. On this visit you will take with you when you return to Earth situations, a full recall of all that has transpired, along with many evidences of where you have been. Each one of you will be able to prove your sojourn with us, for each will receive undeniable proof to combine with the testimony of many others throughout the globe, presenting accounts consistent with your own. You will be given two objects - one to wear, and one to hold - that will anchor you to that moment for the rest of this embodiment.
"You will return to your Earthly situations with a quiet spiritual authority that will never be taken from you and will never forsake you. You will be annointed with spiritual credentials and spiritual abilities representing your badge of initiation and mission. At first, your words will be scoffed at and your reports will bring laughter to the multitudes. But all over the world you will stand together, united in your story, consistent in your report, agreeing in your details, and you will cause them to remove the smiles from their countenances when your credentials are activated. You are the representatives of the Highest Celestial Government and the Highest Council of this Solar System, as well as the Highest Tribunal of the Interplanetary Councils. All of us will reinforce each and everyone of you, and you will be convinced of this before you leave our midst to return.
"There are so many of you presently to be 1ifted, trained and prepared. It is a project of such magnitude that words can scarcely describe not only the effort thus far invested into it over many centuries, but also, the great labor and the millions of volunteers that make it possible.
"Therefore, my closing words to my beloved Brothers and Sisters of Light in this message is a salute to you in the sign of the Solar Cross. I hold forth my right hand of blessing upon each of you. You know who you are. You know where you stand in your places and your inner guidance. Unfortunately, our words and messages will confuse many, but those who must hear will hear; and those who must see will see. To him that hath ears to hear, let him hear; to him that hath eyes to see, let him see. So be ready, my brethren. Be alert. Be listening, for your call shall come. I am Ashtar, one who commands millions of men in this Hemisphere for our Beloved Commander in Chief, Jesus The Christ and the World Saviour.
* * * * * * * * *
Further, in the Evacuation volume, Commander Ashtar discussed details of the Global Rescue with a poignant logic:
"There is a method and great organization in a detailed plan already near completion for the purpose of removing souls from this Planet, in the event of catastrophic events making a rescue necessary. We watch diligently, the threat of a polar shift for the Planet in your generation. Such a development would create a planetary situation through which none could survive. This would necessitate an evacuation such as I have referred to.
"Another manifestation necessitating global rescue would be the collision of an asteroid within your own magnetic field, or the bypass of another large Heavenly body. This would so disrupt and disturb your own grid system and energy field that all of the inhabitants of the Planet would face extinction. The negativity of Man could, magnetize these things to himself. Detailed scientific data accumulated over long periods of monitoring the actions of the bodies within the Solar System indicates these events are within the realm of possibility.
"This book is not intended to frighten anyone, but on the contrary, to hold out the hope and confidence of our presence with you for any time of trouble. The dangers to the planet are very real. The resulting tragedy to Humanity would be unavoidable. However, our presence and the other participating Space Brothers surrounding you in a total force of thirty-five million beings will assist you, lift you up and rescue you, and hold you in safety.
"The magnetized solar flares now present around the Sun in its position, in conjunct ion with the planetary alignment that is presently coming into its final position, combines to create a strong tendency to pull the Earth into untoward motion. The possible polar shift has been greatly lessened and gentled by the action of our scientific volunteers from many worlds. These are greatly learned men who understand these things, and whose services have gladly been given for the purpose of saving this beautiful planet. There are also tracking units with the Ashtar Command which continually trace the pathways of all asteroid action within this Solar System and beyond. Any threatening approach of another Heavenly body can be strongly averted from its direction. This type of surveillance is constant.
"Inner disturbances taking place within the Planet itself are direct reflections of the aspirations and the attitudes and vibrations of those who dwe11 upon it. We have repeatedly attempted to turn the thoughts of Humanity toward the reality of Divine Truth and Principles."
* * * * * * * * *
In a later message Commander Ashtar speaks to the date seekers:
"Listen, Eagles: I am here to discuss the question that comes so often to the Light Workers. So many souls still involve themselves in the dates and such, pertinent to their lifting. Although it was explained in our book that no dates could be given, I repeat again that which so many have clearly explained who serve with me, that dates will not be given!
We are not fortune tellers. We see processes set into motion, energies gathering and gaining momentum; we observe changes weaving their pattern in a situation. However, no member of our Commands nor of the Spiritual Hierarchy can give mankind a certain date, and should such be done, then use much caution and discernment concerning it, for this is not in harmony with things as they are.
"The Will of Man collectively, events upon the planet, and the possible progression and advancement of the Light as well as the darkness - are all involved in the details of events that would lead to the lifting up and the gathering of the Eagles, as well as the full phases of an evacuation of the Planet of the 'Remnant'. The importance that must be stressed is not the moment in time, but the preparation for that moment, on the soul level. This is where the emphasis must be placed and is where it will continue to be placed. For one who is totally ready and qualified, there is no need for dates to be given until the very moment has come. Howbeit, in no instance will individuals be given long periods of notice for readiness, but only short notices would be given, for security purposes.
"I would ask that this be passed along to the Light Workers; not to seek for a setting of time, but for a thankfulness of an extension of time in which to spread more Light throughout the Planet thus to prepare many others. This is the Call and the Mission, to 'occupy' until He comes Who must come!
* * * * * * * * *
Finally, we close this brief sampling of messages to Light Workers with this practical message which came through Mrs. E.P. Hill, printed in 'Days to Come', by Saucerian Press:
"We have been asked to explain the type of cooperation we ask of you. The following suggestions may furnish a clue to our needs. Others will occur to you as you ponder upon the situation in your locality.
"Acquire as much information as possible from all reliable sources, refusing to give credence to any doubts cast upon our sincerity and our ability to carry out orders we receive from our Commander-in-Chief. Without being obtrusively insistent, pass on such information through every channel open to you. It is imperative that the public be alerted to our presence and its purpose. We might remark that treating it as 'news' rather than placing it in a religious category would avoid disapproval in some quarters.
"Use the telephone, private correspondence and casual conversations with friends, or even strangers, to promote a wholesome interest in the subject ... tactfully leaving the impression that to deny our existence or doubt our friendly purpose is out of date.
"Encourage the forming of Space Clubs or small groups to meet at stated intervals for discussion of the latest news available.
"Stress the fact that our first urgent objective must be the removal of the causes necessitating illegitimate use of newly apprehended forces capable of completely disintegrating this planet and doing irreparable damage to all forms of living substance in close proximity thereto. We know the extremity reached in the downward course of power-crazed potentates! Under no other circumstances would we have been entreated to undertake our present Mission or empowered to intervene and prevent the extermination of the inhabitants of Shan [Earth].
"As the opportunity occurs, let your friends know we do not come as adventurers seeking excitement, nor as scientists in quest of fresh knowledge! What could we learn in your laboratories with their out-of-date equipment, or what satisfaction find in the hurly-burly of senseless clashes in mental or physical arenas of action?
"Perhaps it would be well to again emphasize the fact that your inmost thoughts and desires, as well as your acts, create either a very real barrier, or point of contact, according as you reject our way of life (based on the true Christ Principles) or harmonize with our concept of constructive and progressive living. We have passed through a long and tedious process of reappraisal and reevaluation of all Life has to offer in the final analysis, since first we were favored with wise and patient Teachers from 'Outer Space.'
"What they did for us ages ago, we now offer to do for you! It is against every tenet in our Code of Honor to attempt to force you to accept our services in the capacity of Teachers. Yet this I can promise in all sincerity! Should our offer of genuine, practical assistance be welcome and the necessary preliminary steps be taken, we can and will joyfully pass on to you the knowledge we possess. Not only will we do this, but we will 'loan' you many of our most expert and experienced Teachers in every branch of art and industry to initiate you into the secrets we have tried out and proven one hundred percent effective in confidently anticipating a joyous time of rebuilding, remodeling, recreating all things on this Earth in perfect harmony and accord with the design and infinitely wise specifications of the Master Architect of the Universe!
"To this glorious and sublime end we pledge our hearts, our minds and every power and skill we possess, till our sacred mission is completed!
Ashtar and His Associates from Venus and neighboring planets in loving cooperation with friends on the Planet Shan [Earth]."
Chapter 13: Messages to Whosever will Hear
Our beloved friend, Ashtar, Commander of the Guardian fleets present in our Hemisphere, has expressed some justifiable concern for those to whom spiritual messages from other dimensions and the concept of cosmic telepathy in general, could create negative responses. We who are so familiar with all of these truths tend to forget what it is like to be suddenly exposed to them when one is still in the throes of spiritual underdevelopment. Ashtar speaks to whomsoever will listen:
"Perhaps, dear Reader, it has never entered your conscious thinking process that one in your Third Dimension can actually communicate with one in Higher Dimensions through the process of mind to mind thought placement, or 'telepathy,' as it is known. Have you ever seriously considered the possibility of this phenomenon? Can you open your mind to its possibility? Well, then, can we reason together that if it is possible, then it is feasible that some have therefore done so? If some have therefore done so, then it is probable that these Messages have been given and received as has been forthrightly stated.
"May we therefore reason further, that if these Messages have so been given and received, then Man IS capable of higher things than that to which he has hitherto applied his mental abilities. It is an accepted principle that Mankind uses but one-fifth of his mental capacities. Why is this so? Is he not further capable of total mental capacity? If not, why not? Earth has programmed its young far too long in an inadequate way, withholding teachings from the toddler until he is a young child, when his mental capacity is ever the same. Precious years of learning are wasted by withholding that learning, when the very young infant is capable of great reasoning power, if you but understood this truism. The inability of the infant to speak audibly is no indication of his mental capacity. In fact, none of you truly need words at all if you would develop the mind to a fuller capacity.
"We have taught those who thus 'hear' us, through long and tedious training sessions of sitting quietly with us, to become receivers of our transmissions. With some such, an ability has to be developed. With others it was present within at birth. Regardless, it is a fact that Humankind is perfectly proficient of pure telepathy on the highest level of clarity and perception.
"Let us then accept the validity of the process and consider the fruit of it. Our mental conversations with our Messengers are as real as your conversations with anyone you know or love or meet. The te1epathic thread of experiencing soundless words within the mind is as lucid and fluent as your own tongue. Do you not also know your friends and loved ones on the telephone by the inflections, the vibrations and tones of their voice, as well as the flow of frequency within your being when that familiar voice is heard? So, likewise, do those with whom we are linked in this fashion, also have those corresponding reactions of recognition and response to one who speaks with them telepathically, with a vibrational form of recognition of the validity of the identification given. In most of these instances, this kind of communication comes with ease where old ties exist between the transmitter and the receiver, just as there have doubtless been times when in close association with one greatly beloved, you have known each other IS thoughts or the words before they were spoken. All of Mankind has known these moments, for the original traits are only idle, not removed.
"So you can agree that our method is a valid one; therefore, can you not accept that we are who we say we are and are capable of speaking with you also, and that our identities are true? Ponder on this and do not reject simply because you do not understand or because of unaccustomedness to the presentation. Consider that with God all things are possible. Your researchers have proven that distance, however great it may be, has no effect upon the communication of mind with mind. The power of thought is said to have no limitations or boundaries. Can you build a wall around the thought of a man? You know that you cannot. Thought is as expansive as the Universe itself. Therefore, still the body, quiet the mind, and think on us, and we will respond to those who do in love turn thoughts toward us of the Intergalactic Space Confederation.
"All men are capable of cosmic communication. All of Humanity is mentally endowed sufficiently to manifest the aspects of the fully opened mind. The Human brain is fully adequate to operate in all of its capacity and in all of its inherent functions of sensory perceptions beyond that of the physical senses. There is no paradox here. There is no mystery involved. We are discussing a natural phenomenon not in any way religious, nor superstitious, nor that which must be hidden in the archives of old philosophies. This natural ability is within the scope of all mankind, and not merely by a gifted few.
"The inability of Humanity to exercise these Divine talents lies in their own misguided concepts and not in their limitations. All of mind is placed at their disposal, requiring only conscious cooperation of the Human consciousness.
"The spiritual essence of soul-mind is the key to realization of the fullest potential within the Human lifespan. Mentally speaking, Mankind is still crawling on all fours, when they are capable of walking tall in the gait of the conqueror. The awakening of the resonating center of the Human brain could deliver the Earthean Society from self-imposed limitations, if they would but apply themselves to these concepts.
"It is an anachronism that in the days of Earth's beginnings, all of these experiences were a part of daily existence, but time and tides in the evolution of Men have washed them away. The call reverberates once again for the restoration of Human dignity and the upliftment of Man in to the reality of his Divine Image and His Divine Birthright.
"Furthermore, much is yet to come to pass upon the Planet which will necessitate the use of the fullest Cosmic awareness in the turbulence of events that can befall this Planet. Those who are attuned to Universal Forces will experience their own deliverance through Cosmic assistance from the flow of Interdimensional communication.
"We pray that the people of Earth will seriously undertake the return to their spiritual inheritance and their true identity in the higher area of consciousness and diligently apply themselves to throwing off the slothfulness of the materialistic thought forms. Arise from the sleep of death and reach for the Life that flows unhindered throughout the Universe. This is the call that now comes, and may the Eartheans answer quickly and willingly and set in motion this quest for full spiritual participation in the Cosmic language of the Universe."
* * * * * * * * *
Somehow the plea of Ashtar in this Message touches the heart. It helps us to realize the great obstacles our Space Friends face in even attempting to be of help to us.
"I speak for the Most High Command of the Guardian Forces. Preparations are now underway for a great Conclave of the Guardian Action. The masses must somehow be reached with an understanding of our true mission and the purpose of our presence in your skies. All fear must be removed from their hearts through teachings that will help them to understand that we surround your Planet only in an attitude of love and helpfulness and a desire to serve Mankind. Fear of us makes it impossible for the completion of our Mission when the time is come.
"There are too many who fear us, too many who would withdraw and hold back should an invitation be given to come with us for rescue. We recognize the problem. We are dealing with it in every possible way through hundreds of precious willing souls Earth-based. We cannot be of help to those who fear us, who do not trust us, and who cannot accept us. The attitude of Humanity must be changed for the great majority, before the hour of crisis. We cannot fulfill the Plan of the Hierarchy or assist Mankind unless the world is enlightened to our purpose and mission."
* * * * * * * * *
I, personally, have been very impressed with the pointed message on Cosmic Telepathy given by Ashtar as the Introduction for their book on that subject previously published. It is worthy of study:
"The force of telepathic thought is a magnetic force which pulls into itself and sends forth from itself the Universal Atomic structure of Creation. The Mind is the Builder, the thoughts are the building material. Thoughts are catapulted into words, ideas or pictures at your level of reception. Limited though they may be, words are tools of convenience used to describe the energies set into motion by a thought transmitted to the receiver.
"The art of Cosmic Telepathy is as old as creation itself. Older, only in sequence, are the symbols of reality that preceded it. From the original symbols of communication, thought went forth to forge its own pathway in the worlds of God's creation.
"As Humanity returns to the fullness of the stature of Man, God's creation will master once again the Universal Language of thought transference, through the action of mind.
"The greatest need of the Bearers of Light and those who work with Humanity in the coming crisis will be proficiency in the quality of Cosmic communications. That hour could come upon the Planet when communications will be the lifeline of survival or rescue.
"Blazing a trail for better understanding by using simple diagrams and elementary terminology, we hope to resolve the debris of mystery and ignorance from what should be accepted as normal expression for Children of the Creator.
"The general consensus of opinion by those who can only be called ignorant is that a Human being is delegated to the physical world and that all that is visible or physically attainable is the only goal of having lived upon this Planet. Nevertheless, Light has been consistently and increasingly released into the vortex of Earth for the express purpose of piercing such dark mentalities with an understanding of spiritual concepts that lift Human life to its highest plane.
"By the help of the Invisible World of an entire Solar System of Spiritual Leaders who administer the Divine Government of your Planet from the Great Tribunals, the Earth is constantly bombarded with rays and influences that bring understanding to Man's sense of personal worth, an awareness of his potential for greatness, and his ultimate spiritual goal in having entered the dimension at all.
"Included in this tremendous input of possible spiritual attainment is the inherent ability to communicate with his Creator and those of other Dimensions who serve His Light. This very natural phenomenon is being brought to the attention of the public at this point in time, to quicken the hearts of those who are destined to find this fulfillment.
"Cosmic Telepathy is the inheritance of the Child of Light. It is the resonating force of illumined Mind, piercing the Etheric faster than the speed of Light. It is that power delineated to Man, on Earth or wherever he might be. Universal fellowship is a reality without limitation. Limitation is only made possible by belief in its existence.
"We call for the awakening of the sleeping genius within Man to awaken and recognize the Father's image within him. Herein lies deliverance from all limitation and thus, the full potential of Mind will be released to God's Will. Mind's physical counterpart already exists in the unknown 85% portion of his brain. The world is waiting for the men and women who are ready to become all that they are capable of being, in the midst of ignorance run rampant. Awake, thou that sleepest, and the Lord Himself shall give thee Light!
"Gather yourselves together to consider these classic concepts. Your Human effort thus invested will be rewarded by the presence and the response of the Hosts of Heaven. - Ashtar. "
* * * * * * * * *
With highest respect to a great Messenger of Ashtar, and his fine work for the Confederation, we share this Message received by George van Tassel from Ashtar in August 1952:
"I am Ashtar, in the process of attempting to straighten out numerous conditions that affect this Planet Shan [Earth]. We are going to give you certain information, in the future, that will weld together the two great sciences of your people. I refer to all branches of material science and religion. These two are one in truth, separated only by a gap that we shall give you the key to close.
"In the Quadra Sector Blaau, Man on the Planet Shan will have no further use for the misconception that he is faced with in the form of religion, for science of truth, seen and unseen, is the basis of religion, not ancient scriptures, misinterpreted, mistranslated and misconstrued by those who deliver lectures, but based on the true science of life in all phases. Organized scientists are beginning now to explore these realms of the unseen. My love to you, I am Ashtar."
Chapter 14: Messages of Global Significance
Ashtar Speaks to Men of Earth (Channeled by Gabriel Green, Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs, Jan. 29, 1984)
"Greetings, people of Earth. I am Ashtar, of the Ashtar Universal Command of Free Planets. I come to you today to give you a brief summary of the total amount of information and guidance that we have given through this channel, Gabriel Green, over the last 13 years.
"To begin with, your planet, the planet Earth, is at a crossroads. Since your people have been given free will- -the freedom to express evil as well as good, the choice as to whether your planet and its peoples will transcend this critical period in its evolution and evolve into the New Age relatively non-destructively, is a choice that your people must make collectively.
"There is still time, people of Earth, to make this choice and to resolve the many problems that you have been facing for eons of time. But you must act. Freedom is a privilege, and it must be earned. It has been an expression of your people that your people deserve the Leaders that they get.
"It has been our purpose to help you as a people, to so see the issues facing your world, that you will select those leaders who can lead you into a more positive direction. We will do our part in helping to inspire and guide and raise the consciousness of your people, so that they can qualify for, and will work to elect, Leaders who will have the good of the people at heart.
"You (the Light Workers), over the last 35 years, have built an area of understanding and consciousness in millions of people that was not formerly there. So that now there is tremendous potential in the quantity of your people who now have the higher awareness oriented to the needs of all the people of your world, rather than to the special interest factions who are served by your present world leadership.
"This IS the Time of the End. At the present time you are going through the Last Days of the old Piscean Age. It remains to be seen whether these days become the End of the World for the majority of your people, or the beginning of a glorious New Age that can be manifested within the next couple of decades. If you will follow the guidance that has been given to Gabriel, and to other leaders of your Flying Saucer-New Age Movement, we will be able to help you to transcend this critical period in your evolution, and to enter the New Age in a less destructive fashion.
"There are to main points that you should be aware of:
"1. God's Kingdom is going to be manifested on this Earth soon, one way or another. It will be the free will choice of your people to decide which way will be chosen. One will end your present civilization as you presently know it. The other, less destructive way, will help you to evolve through educational processes into the glorious future that will lead you to travel with your brothers and sisters of the stars.
"It is now possible for each of you to contribute to manifesting this Kingdom, if you will put your shoulder to the wheel, and will help to bring God's government into manifestation as it has been given to our Ambassador and Messenger, Gabriel Green. The Keys to the Kingdom have been given to Gabriel for the purpose of sharing with you details of the way you can participate in helping this Kingdom to now manifest on your Planet. The Universal Economic system and the United World are 'The Keys to the Kingdom.'
"2. The second important factor to manifest, is the Second Coming of your Christ to the Planet Earth. This happening will take place when enough of your people have been raised in consciousness to prepare them for this glorious event. When the Gospel (Good News) of God's Kingdom on Earth has been preached throughout the World, then the end shall come, or the Second Coming of the Christ of the Aquarian Age shall take place.
"This shall be a wondrous event, shared in by the Angelic Host (millions of your Space Brothers and Sisters from throughout the Cosmos) in their magnificent ships which will be seen in your skies.
"The Christ of the Aquarian Age will arrive in the First public spaceship landing, to be seen by all of your people on international satellite television, and by other advanced scientific processes where such television is not available.
"This shall bring about a wondrous age of change in the lives of all of your people, which has been long awaited and prophesied in your various Holy works. There is yet time, people of Earth, for you to bring about the more idealistic and positive transformation of your Planet. But you must work together. This is imperative now. You must share in your effort to bring about a non-destructive transformation of all things on your Planet - social, economic and political.
"Within the next few decades you will be making your choices. So do not hesitate to serve the cause of the Father and His Will for your people. I, Ashtar, of the Free Federation of Planets, Commander of the Universal Confederation of Planets Space Corps, have spoken to you, and give you my love."
* * * * * * * * *
Ashtar's opening words for the EVACUATION manuscript: "The Siren Sounds for Mankind."
"In time of war upon the Earth, a shrill siren is used to alert the populace that danger is approaching and that they should retire themselves to a place of she1ter immediately. We of the Interplanetary Alliance and Space Commands of this Hemisphere, known collectively as the Ashtar Command, do now, with the sending forth of this book, sound the siren of warning to Mankind.
"Danger is upon you. Drop everything and prepare yourselves. It is time to run toward the shelter of Divine Love and Guidance and to take with you only that which you can carry within the inner citadel of being. The early times of the new decade will see the fulfillment of all the prophecies that have been released to the World.
"Down through many cultures, and century after century, we have permitted our Highest and Brightest of souls to come to you and walk amongst you, to teach, to lift and become your friends. You have been taught many things, shown many things, awakened step by step to a higher way of life, an elevated approach to life, and a better way of existence. Precept upon precept, we have lifted you from one level to another.
"Many have benefited and have arisen from their darkness and followed that Light. These have intuitively known that the summons was a Call to know themselves and thereby, to undertake that refining of themselves that would reveal the inner divinity. Others have turned their interest elsewhere, ignored the outstretched hand of God, and lifetime after lifetime of opportunity has been squandered by detrimental choices.
"Now it is time to separate these Groups in keeping with their choices, and let those who refuse the advancement of their being remain together according to their own desires. The few who have burned within their hearts to find the Ultimate Reality will be permitted to follow these aspirations in the setting of a New World, cleansed and made bright by Universal action.
"Increasingly, we have noticed the tendency of the Planet and its people to pull toward an influence designed to destroy the function of free thinking and freedom of Man in making his own choices, governing himself, and managing his national affairs. This diabolical influence has penetrated wholly within every phase of Human life and every avenue of world diplomacy and world statesmanship. Predictably, day-by-day, the freedom of Humanity has been infiltrated with that kind of propaganda which ultimately leads Mankind away from their pure heritage as Sons of God.
"The resulting effects are seen not only in the lives of Men, but within the Asteroid Belt and the Planet itself. When Humanity stands free, in the full Light of God's Universal Law, all government will be 'Of the People and for the People and by the People.' But when the heritage of freedom is destroyed, Mankind becomes as puppets on strings, stripped of honor, life, strength, forthrightness and glory!
"The Heavenly Father has placed within the burning center of Man that likeness of Himself which enables Man to govern himself in righteousness and peace. The destruction of this center has been the goal of the Destroyer. Now the forces of Light and Righteousness must rise in the defense of Humanity before it is too late. This is the primary action taking place behind the visible scene surrounding all of life.
"Now, all levels of life will be highly raised in frequency, and all manifestations of lower life will wither and dissolve and be removed from the visible scene, to reconstruct the Father's Plan for this beautiful Planet. A new fresh start for Man is in the making! The Astral Belts will be purged, the Heavens will be cleared, the Nature Kingdom will find its true destiny and Humanity will be glorified in keeping with the Father's design. This is coming to pass in your generation. There is no time left to dally and consider. The hour of decision for a planet is not only come, it is almost gone.
"So it is, the 'siren sounds' for Mankind, and there is silence in Heaven for that moment that now is, when this great separation shall take place. You who read are versed in the spiritual verities involved. This book will clarify Human consciousness concerning the future on your octave. Read ... and understand. - Ashtar"
* * * * * * * * *
Trevor James tells us:
"The following communication came immediately following the much publicized and much delayed airdrop blast at Eniwetok, in the 1956 Series of Atomic tests:"
Ashtar: "Scientists at Eniwetok have exploded yet another fission device. You have already experienced the drop in temperature. There will be more. There will be considerable climatic havoc on your surface. The effect of fission upon the weather is obvious to everyone except the Scientists, who do not wish to believe what is obvious to the simplest entity. Your Scientists are not satisfied with the Sun they have been given, but prefer to make their own. The Creator's work is not good enough for them. This prospect fills us with sorrow."
* * * * * * * * *
Ashtar hurls the fiat:
"Atomic warfare will not be tolerated upon your Planet. A strike by any Nation designed to involve another Nation will be immediately thwarted by our technology. Efforts to accelerate a build-up of arms will be hindered and plans to increase world armament will be sabotaged by our intervention.
"We have now ceased our preventative action in the fault lines. We no longer hold back the tide of the great oceans. We do continue our patrol of the pole lines and control any pole action as much as possible, but eventually that, too, will yield to the inrushing tide of Earth- shaking eventualities.
"An edict from the Spiritual Elohim has enforced these decisions. We act or cease to act, only upon the authority of the Highest Spiritual level of the Solar System. Therefore, in view of the new policy in the action of the Guardians, we are advising you that the severest upheavals are drawing closer each day. International policies and world decisions have brought about a 'hands off' position in our surveillance of the Planet. We are no longer permitted to stern the tide in the face of International manipulation. Let the deeds of the Warlords come down upon their own heads, for in time, those that are to be lifted away will be lifted away, and what is to be, will be. The maudlin, indifferent mass of Humanity has not cared to change their World for the better, but rather, have yielded their resistance to oppression. Where are the great voices to be raised in favor of freedom and peace! Where are the orators of democracy and man's inalienable rights?"
He has also told this messenger:
"Cleansing is unavoidable. Change is inevitable. Wherever there is progress, there has been change. In the New Age of Enlightenment, purity shall prevail."
* * * * * * * * *
Gray Barke, of the Saucerian Press, summarizes the messages of Ashtar:
"They all, without exception, warn of impending disaster if Mankind does not adopt a more tolerant and understanding attitude among nations and peoples, and cease the Hydrogen bomb and armament race."
Chapter 15: Messages to World Leaders and to World Conspirators
A powerful message through George W. Van Tassel on August 15, 1952:
"Greetings, thou Being of Shan [Earth]. In the Light of Love and Peace I come to you. Commandant of the Station Schare. I am Ashtar. Having returned to the Station Schare from the Center, I advance to your scientists the following information:
"We have told you that the element Hydrogen is a living substance. In the composition of your physical being, in the air you breathe, in the water you drink, are five elements of living substance besides Hydrogen - the elements Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Fluorine and Sodium. Much of your material science has been directed to disproving theory that does not conform to the personal beliefs of some scientific authority. Among the scientific mentalities of this planet, Shan, are many minor scientists, who do not have the authority to change these opinions that have been disproved. We have advanced you information in the faint hope that some of your governmental authorities would grasp the fact that with the explosion of living substance they create a condition parallel to what you scientists call 'frozen equilibrium.' This release of free Hydrogen into the atmosphere of this Planet will cause flames to engulf many portions of this Planet momentarily. Those in authority in the governments are assuming direct responsibility not only for the people inhabiting this planet, but their own immediate families, wives, children, parents and relatives are also their responsibility, for these dear ones shall not escape. You in authority of the governments of the Planet Shan, think twice if you would have your loved ones with you. Consult your physicists. Ask them about the parallel condition of frozen equilibrium. They will inform you, if they speak the truth and are not influenced otherwise by the forces of Darkness, that this is truth.
"Wake up, you who would believe only those who direct you. Stand before the people. Tell those who influence your mental decisions that they, too, are involved. In the light of love, I transmit you a continuous beam here, through a ventla which has been stationed in this cone of receptivity at a level 72,000 miles above you, beyond reach of any traps. I shall return. My love, I am Ashtar."
* * * * * * * * *
The following Message was dictated for the Golden Book, World Messages for the Coming Decade:
Ashtar Command Communiqué
"The Ashtar Command is present overhead everywhere upon the Planet. There are thousands and thousands of ships in our many Fleets that make up the Ashtar Command. We are the Etherians, and ours is the authority that controls the entire Space Program for the Planet.
"We have stated that Mankind is responsible to himself to search out his weaknesses and to call upon the Higher Ones for strength to change for the better. Man is Master of his fate and Captain of his soul. He is accountable for all the great releases of Light that have been given to the Planet century after century and civilization after civilization.
"We have endured the ridicule and the foolishness of your media with longsuffering and patience.
We have endured while our Representatives and those whom we have contacted have been swayed from their convictions by the eloquence of your Federal officials. There have been times when we have been amazed that this could take place, but this is the way of your Planet. In the coming decades there will be signs in the Heavens that your glib talking officials will be unable to deny. For an awakening has come at last to the population of the Planet and an awareness of the purpose of help of a high order coming to Mankind, ever closer and closer, every day that passes.
"We of the Ashtar Command would speak to your world Leaders and the spokesmen of your great Assemblies, and CHALLENGE them to trust our words and believe in our presence and begin to accept the help which we bring to your world. The worldwide problems that beset your United Nations on every hand, can be solved in the unity and cooperation of your people with your friends and brothers from other worlds. This ostrich-like position that has prevailed in the last two decades can no longer stand the test of events that are about to come to pass. Once again we extend the hand of friendship and an offering to share our intelligence and research, our assistance in all of the programs that are underway for the benefit of Humanity.
"We only ask that you lay down your arms, that you lay aside your plans for nuclear destruction, that you cease to pervert the great discoveries of energies, and that you start to convert them for the benefit of all Humanity. The Ashtar Command calls upon the military men of this Planet to meet together in one place at one time and forge an agreement for Worldwide Peace, that is not false words upon paper but is the depth of feeling within the heart of every military statesman!
"Because of your indifference and your ridicule to channel our words and our directives through the men and women of the land in an official capacity, our approach in an official way of many years ago was spurned by your global authorities.
"Once again for a brief period, we extend to your President, the House of Representatives, the men of your Senate, and all of your National Leaders, our hand of friendship and cooperation. In the Name of the salvation of the 1ife of Humanity, we ask that you would receive our words and welcome us to speak in your Assemblies: We have those who can walk among you and never be noticed for all their similarity to your own appearance. They can suddenly appear behind your rostrum and speak to the Members of your Congress. We would prefer to be invited to do this. If we are not invited to do this, we may have to arrange our own opportunity to speak to these Gentlemen. For there is too much at stake on a planetary basis as well as Interplanetary reactions to stand by without an effort to probe the motivations behind the present world disorder.
"We send this message as an advancing envoy and ask the World Leaders and the Governments of all the World to make a place for our Spokesman upon your agendas. If the space is made, the Spokesman will appear!
"This Message is sent to Planet Earth by Members of the Ashtar Command. Peace on Earth! Good Will toward Men!"
* * * * * * * * *
Again, through the inspired work of E.P. Hill, Ashtar warns:
"A long and arduous warfare has been waged against the 'Powers of Darkness' impinging upon all Earth's inhabitants from invisible citadels where Lucifer long reigned supreme over his vassals (invisible to mortals) assigning them to tasks of fiendish ingenuity to entrap and inveigle Human Beings into abject slavery to his demands.
"By reason of the unremitting diligence of those to whom was relegated the apprehension and elimination of countless millions of Demoniacs and demoniacally controlled entities, sworn to obey the edicts of their overlord, Lucifer - I say, as a result of this uninterrupted campaign on the Astral Planes, it now be possible to transfer this battle to the Physical Plane and repeat the process where Mortals may more effectively join in the conflict and observe greater tangible results.
"As it rages on the Physical Plane, there be three types of weapons to be employed. First: the actual material armaments necessary for defense purposes. Second: the mental agility to recognize and combat delusive propaganda. Third: the spiritual' awareness and moral stamina to move steadily forward, in defiance of all enemy resistance, to establish and maintain a rigorous regime of honest government in every phase of Human affairs."
Here, in these three steps outlined above, the Commander is suggesting:
1: Peace through strength; 1: Peace through discernment; 3: Peace through integrity.
* * * * * * * * *
Gentle, loving words from Commander Ashtar:
"Observations from out vantage point give a dimension to perspective not present from your octave. At times the reports of our brethren would seem, to the unlearned, to be of negative nature and perhaps, disarming. But not only must individual souls reach attainment through initiation, but likewise, it is so with nations, cultures, and planets as they all evolve together.
Thus, one must attempt not to see sorrow, but to perceive great joy in the emerging New Age, the New World, made clean and wholesome through the permissiveness of the Radiant One - not caused or created by Him but, through the will of Mankind, permitted by Him. So shall each soul of this cycle and culture learn its great lessons and record them in each memory bank for higher evolution along the pathway.
"The seeming hardships of the moment will pass in the twinkling of an eye as the great separation takes place. No more shall two families inhabit the Earth, but one only the Children of Light, the family of God, who have proven their loyalty time and time again.
"Be ye not fearful of disasters, but cover them with Great Golden-White Light and thank the Father for changes allowed to purify this beautiful Earth. Weep not at the cross of Man's karma, but rejoice at the resurrection of his Soul-Self in the will of God. So are not we all, not prophets of darkness, but rather, messengers of Great Light, Great Joy, Great Culmination of the Divine Plan to be fulfilled. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth ... as it is in Heaven!
"Fret not for the deep waters between, but hold thine eyes upon the crossing of those dark waters, and rejoice that all of those Radiant Ones upon Earth shall, like the Beloved Master, walk upon the waters of adversity as conquerors, victorious and unharmed. Be at peace. Adonai. I am Ashtar."
* * * * * * * * *
Again, a beautiful statement through messenger E.P. Hill given some decades ago:
"I say, it will be settled, not by any natural advantage of superior numbers of the use of weapons devised by scientists who have (or think they have) contacted and harnessed the secret powers of Universal Energy. I say NOT SO! It will be brought to an abrupt and incontrovertible conclusion by an "Act of God" comparable to none heretofore known to mortals. This Planet is not caught in a net of inextricable difficulties but is emerging from its superimposed domination by semi-demonic demagogues leading to its destruction. It is placing its trust in the only Power able to deliver it from its impending fate.
"I say to you in all sacred solemnity of pronouncement, this, thy Country shall be saved as by a miracle! I say not it will be a peaceful deliverance but through the unfaltering loyalty of millions who place their faith in thy Master, the Christ of God, this Land will be cleansed from the abominations now infesting it. It shall be the center from which shall issue those injunctions and powerful energies which shall lead the World into an intense, burning desire to know and to do the Will of the Lord God of All Creation, as revealed by their coming King, who shall reign over this regenerated World without hindrance from those who now harass and seek to destroy His faithful servants."
* * * * * * * * *
And now Ashtar's final statement for the closing of this book:
"This is Ashtar, Commander of the Galactic Fleets in this Hemisphere and representative of the Universal Council of the Confederation of Planets and the Alliance of member Worlds of this Universe, releasing this official communiqué:
"I speak to the people of Earth this day in deepest concern for your welfare and your present situation of crisis throughout many Nations. A great alert exists in Heavenly realms due to the danger that all of you now face. It is the desire of the other Worlds of your Universe to stand beside you and to be a friend to your World, as it seeks to aright itself upon the Path of Peace. An intense desire is present in the hearts of the multitudes to see a World Agreement drawn which will eliminate armament competitiveness and remove the ever-present threat of an accidental or intentional thrust into nuclear conflict.
"We stand by to assist in the drafting of such an Agreement, and to assist in its enforcement if we are called upon to do so. It is now more than one World
.it is time to think upon ONE UNIVERSE, with men of all Worlds bonded together in a testament of Love and Trust. All people know that war is not the answer to the problems of Earth. LOVE is the answer, and the only answer that will dissolve the mistrust, the chicanery and the World materialistic Cartels of Greed and Tyranny.
"In times long past, we have looked upon other Worlds bent on self-destruction; we have pleaded and sent our calls, but we were ignored. We could but stand in the shadows and behold their annihilation, and the debris of their ignorance as it scattered to the four winds of the Universes atmosphere, affecting much of other life in many directions. Because of the horror of those memories, the Intergalactic Council for Universal Peace was formed, not unlike the organization of United Nations upon your World, with the exception that our pact is enforced and adhered to steadfastly. Due to the integrity of this Alliance and its approval by the Spiritual Hierarchy of this Universe, we have been allowed the Authority to intervene in any planetary situation which threatens harm to another World within this System of Worlds.
"We warn your Leaders, with much love and concern, that intervention of a drastic nature will take place in your midst if you persist to a conclusion your preparations to plunge the planet Earth into full-scale nuclear conflagration. Under existing Universal Law and Intergalactic Allied Agreement, you will not be permitted to do this. The decision is in your hands, to a certain point. Should you determine to pursue your present course, you will no longer remain in control of your Planet. Intervention will be initiated which will preserve the Earth and its surrounding Galaxy.
"It is now time for Humanity to cease from its childish war games and become Man, with an awakened sense of his responsibility and accountability for life on Earth. In spite of the many now on Earth who plot and plan otherwise, this Planet will yet become a Member of its own peaceful Solar System and Galaxy, and will become a part of the Universal Alliance for Peace.
"We appeal to your military strategists to open their eyes to reality, and the danger you bring upon yourselves - the unnecessary Intergalactic Pressures and planetary woes you face if you choose not to do so.
"Alternative to this dreaded eventuality, working together as Brothers, we have many unheard-of technological advances to share with you reaching into every area of life upon your Planet, which will bring you a better and more beautiful world in which to continue your spiritual evolution. You can anticipate a wonderful interchange of revelations of Outer Space secrets presently undreamed of. Be prepared to share Intergalactic protocol and cultural exchange. The Alliance for Universal Peace stands prepared at this moment to release to you desired advancements in the fields of medicine, science and free energies, wisdom, discoveries and space travel unlimited.
"Lay down your arms, lay aside your stockpiles of destruction and determine through your United Nations channels, to negotiate with your Brothers of Outer Worlds, for the advancement of your World in Universal affairs. Is this not a more inspiring thought than to consider the pathway of annihilation you have outlined for yourselves!
"Agree to send forth, from the channels of your United Nations body of statesmen, the call and the desire to negotiate with the Representatives of your own Galaxy, high in Intergalactic affairs. You will be answered!"
I am Ashtar, representing The Universal Alliance for Peace to All Mankind.
Ashtar: Project World Evacuation
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